Parishioners Survey for Sidlesham Neighbourhood Plan
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Parishioners Survey for Sidlesham Neighbourhood Plan

Our Neighbourhood Plan gives the opportunity to formulate a shared vision for the future development of our Parish and local area.  Topics for discussion will include the environment, business development, planning and infrastructure, community facilities and wellbeing. Development of ambitions in these areas will be designed to meet our community needs whilst remaining in line with the strategic polices set out in the Chichester District Council Local Plan.  Further information about the workings of the Parish Council can be found at

Please either complete the form online or download and print the pdf and return it to :
Sidlesham Memorial Recreational Ground, Selsey Road, Sidlesham, PO20 7RD or Clerk @

    Parishioners Questionnaire for the Sidlesham Neighbourhood Plan

    1. How long have you been a resident of our Parish?

    2. What aspects of the Neighbourhood Plan are most important to you? Select all that apply.

    How satisfied are you with the current community facilities available in our parish e.g Memorial Hall & Recreational Ground, Sidlesham Primary School/Nursery?

    4. Would you support future development, if any, in the Parish?

    5. How important is sustainable housing development to you, which is the practice of building, operating, and maintaining homes in a way that reduces the impact on the environment and climate change.

    6. Would you support any of the following schemes to improve road safety and footpath/bridleway improvements within the Parish?

    7. How would you rate the support for local businesses in our parish?

    10. Would you be willing to assist with the Neighbourhood Plan?

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