Minutes of Statutory Annual Parish Council Meeting on 16th May 2018
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Minutes of Statutory Annual Parish Council Meeting on 16th May 2018

Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Statutory Annual Parish Council Meeting on 16th May 2018 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.30pm

Present:  Mr M Mellodey, Mr P Bedford, Mrs C Hall, Mr A Harland, Mrs M Monnington, Dr F Lewis and Mr R Ryder.  Cllr P Tull (CDC), 5 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
1.    Election of Chairman.   Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Hall seconded that Mr Mellodey continue in post as Chairman.  All agreed.
2.    Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda.   None.
3.    Apologies for Absence:  Mrs C Ranjbar, Mrs U Pearce and Cllr P Montyn.
4.    Confirm appointment of co-opted new Councillor.
All councillors agreed that Mr R Ryder be appointed to Sidlesham Parish Council.  Mr Ryder was welcomed to the PC.
5.    Election of Vice Chairman.
Mrs Hall proposed and Mr Harland seconded that Mrs Ranjbar continue as Vice Chairman.  All councillors agreed.
6.    Election of Chairman of Planning Committee
Mr Mellodey proposed and Dr Lewis seconded that Mr Bedford continue as Chairman of Planning.  All agreed.
7.         Members, Representatives and other appointments.
7.1     Planning Committee. It was proposed that all members of the PC remain on the Planning Committee.  Unanimous decision.
7.2     Finance Work Group. In addition to the Chairman and Vice Chairman, who sit ex-officio, it was agreed unanimously that Mrs Hall and Mr Harland serve on the Finance Work Group.
7.3    Appoint Parish Council Accounts Monitor.  Mr Harland offered to continue in his role as Parish Council Accounts Monitor and this was agreed unanimously.
7.4    Appoint signatories for bank mandate.  It was agreed that Mr Mellodey, Mrs Ranjbar and Mr Harland remain signatories on the bank mandate.
7.5     Assets and Amenities Work Group.  Mrs Hall will remain as Chairman of the A & A Work Group.  In addition, Dr Lewis, Mr Ryder and Mrs Pearce will serve on the Work Group.  All agreed.
7.6    Neighbourhood Plan Work Group.  All Councillors will serve on the Work Group at this stage except for Mr Harland who asked to be exempt.
7.7    Memorial Playing Field Work Group.  Mr Mellodey, Mr Bedford and Mrs Monnington will continue to represent the PC on the MPF Work Group. All agreed.
7.8     Representative to Pagham Harbour Local Nature Reserve Community Meetings. Mrs Monnington offered to continue to represent SPC at Pagham Harbour LNRC Meetings and all agreed.
7.9     Representative to Chichester District Association of Local Councils. (CDALC).  Mr Bedford will represent SPC at CDALC meetings.
7.10     Representatives to Peninsula Community Forum. Mr Mellodey and Mr Ryder will attend meetings.
7.13    Approve membership of SSALC and appoint representative.  A representative will be decided at the time of meetings.
7.14    Representative to Flood and Land Drainage Group.  Mr Bedford is, independently, Chairman of the Flood and Land Drainage Group.  Mrs Monnington will represent SPC at meetings.  All agreed.
7.15    Representative to Ferry Farm Solar Community Company.  Dr Lewis will continue to represent SPC at Ferry Farm meetings.
8.    Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda.   Mr Harland declared an interest, albeit not a pecuniary one, in item 16.1.
9.    Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 18th April 2018 to be signed as a correct record.  Mrs Hall proposed and Dr Lewis seconded that the minutes be signed.  4 agreed with 3 abstentions.
10.    Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.    None.
11.    CDC Councillor
Cllr Tull reported on a briefing of CDC by SYSTRA, the consultants employed by WSCC to carry out the study and consultation and draw up proposals for possible A27 improvement schemes.  This had been an informative presentation.  SYSTRA is positive that progress is being made with Highways England.  The final Work Group meeting will take place on 18th May, after which it is hoped that WSCC will support proposals to be put forward.
Mr Mellodey thanked Cllr Tull for her help on the Keynor Lane traveller site application.
12.   Neighbourhood Plan
Mr Bedford had circulated a draft document and map showing the designated area for the formal submission to CDC.  This document included a reasoned justification for the area outlined.  Mr Bedford sought formal agreement from the PC that the area defined on the plan will be the designated area.  All agreed.  He asked for any comments on the area outlined and justifications given and whether anyone thought anything had been excluded.   There were none.   The document will be submitted, with its map, to CDC.  Once it has been accepted by CDC, it will be followed by a public consultation period of 6 weeks.  At the end of that period, it will be a Neighbourhood Plan designated area.  6 agreed to the proposal with 1 abstention.
Mr Bedford will make a presentation on the NP at the Annual Parish Meeting on 23rd May and request that volunteers come forward under the following 4 headings:
(i)    Transport (based on existing Sidlesham Transport Action Group)
(ii)   Flooding, land drainage, environment and wildlife with existing Sidlesham Flood & Land Drainage Group, FLOW and Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group.
(iii)  Community facilities ,social and wellbeing, services, education, employment, culture and arts
(iv)  Development, planning and design, landscape and environment, housing and economy.
All agreed to the above groupings and it is hoped those attending the APM will volunteer.
Mr Bedford hopes to complete the project over the next year but it may overrun and the new council, after the 2019 election, will be committed to complete the task.  The final Plan will need the endorsement of at least 50% of the population at a referendum which will require a high level of engagement.
13.      Memorial Playing Field
13.1    Mr Mellodey reported that there had been a meeting between a member of the SCA, Mr Mellodey and the Football Club.  The WG has asked questions of the FC on how it sees future progress and awaits a response.
13.1    SCA Questionnaire.
A member of the SCA Questionnaire panel reported on the results of the questionnaire carried out by AiRS.  The panel had drawn up, with advice from AiRS, a list of possible activities a community hall could accommodate, asked if respondents were doing that activity elsewhere and would like to do it in Sidlesham.  AiRS received and collated the responses.  The response rate was 25% which was considered good for such a survey.  A large number of activities are already done elsewhere but parishioners would prefer to do them in the village.  There were also free form boxes with suggestions and the hope that parishioners would use those boxes to make comments.  Suggestions included play school/toddler group/day care which received 11 requests, adequate kitchen facilities, stage, café.  A large number of children use the playground but parishioners commented that there were no facilities near the playground such as a café or toilet.  There were several sport suggestions.  Parishioners were asked if they would agree to an increase in the precept to fund the hall; 61% of respondents supported a small increase but no figure had been given.  One respondent had said that they would make a donation.  The hall must be self-funding. Respondents were asked if they would be willing to help with the project and several said ‘yes’.  Under ‘any other comments’, many respondents had given their support for the project.  It was felt that those parishioners who had responded had done so in a considered, thoughtful manner.  Councillors were encouraged to read the report and there will be a full report to the community at the Annual Parish Meeting on 23rd May.  Sidlesham Community Association is working on a detailed business plan and building requirements with the information gathered in the survey.  Mr Mellodey stated that any business plan and building design must be done in conjunction with the PC.  This was agreed to.  However, it was thought that the survey results make it worth taking the project to the next stage.  Mr Bedford stated that the results of the survey will be integrated into the Neighbourhood Plan.
13.2   Mrs Hall reported that she had attended a Community Workshop on Crowd Funding.  On the basis of questionnaire responses, it was clear that those who use the playground would like a café and toilet facilities, together with more picnic benches.  Mrs Hall suggested the possibility of building a wooden pavilion between the playground and the clubhouse, funded by crowd funding.  This could provide a community hub, water and toilet facilities to be used only when the café is manned and would provide a useable facility while refurbishment of the building is in progress. Crowd funding is not a possibility for the PC but a community group could take on the project.  Mrs Hall asked councillors to think about the idea and it will be considered further at the June PC Meeting.  Volunteers would be needed to run any such facility.  Any profit made by a café would be ploughed back into a PC hall fund.  The A&A Work Group will look into the idea and obtain answers to planning and site services required.
14.     Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
14.1   Selsey/Chichester Commuter Cycle route.
Mr Mellodey and Mr Bedford had attended a meeting.  In principle, WSCC and CDC have agreed to support the project and the preferred route.  However, their preference is to build the southern end from Selsey first.  This would result in cyclists re-joining the B2145 after the sewage works: a particularly dangerous section of the road.  Mr Mellodey and Mr Bedford will write a paper to send to the Selsey cycle network.  If money from the A27 budget can be reallocated, that could be used to build the northern section which would service the Free School.  This would still leave cyclists on the B2145 through Sidlesham.  Mr Mellodey and Bedford expressed their disappointment that this will not achieve a complete commuter cycle route between Selsey and Chichester which was its main objective.
14.2   Bus Shelter north of Lockgate Road.
The PC has submitted plans to raise a concrete buffer curb in front of the bus shelter, resurface the footpath and raise a concrete vehicle barrier curb north to the first field entrance.  Mr Bedford had met with interested parties.  The farmer who owns the field behind the bus shelter will investigate drainage behind the shelter.  It is thought that the drain on the opposite side of the road needs to be upgraded by WSCC.
15.     Satswana Data Protection Workshop with other Manhood Peninsula PCs
The Clerk had contacted Satswana to enquire about a Workshop for councillors.  She had been informed that Satswana had completed all workshops in this area.  However, if the Clerk contacted other councils signed up to Satswana and could assemble enough candidates, Satswana would carry out another workshop. The Clerk is working on it.
16.    Assets and Amenities Workgroup
16.1   Repair or Barrier Gate
The Clerk had circulated 2 quotations to repair the foundations of the barrier gate.  It was decided that the task is more complicated and the Clerk was asked to arrange a site meeting to discuss repairs.
17.      Finance
17.1    Payments
17.1.1    WSALC (Subscription) £388.79
17.1.2    SSALC (magazine subscription) £17.00
17.1.3    CDC (Empty dog and litter bins) £496.40
17.1.4    H B Collins (strim and litter pick) £541.20
17.1.5    M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £125.14
17.1.6    The Academy Selsey (Statistics prize) £20.00
17.1.7    Mrs F Fields (Internal audit) £85.00
17.1.8     CPRE (annual subscription) £36.00
17.1.9    CDC (contribution to Manhood Peninsula Partnership) £200.00
17.1.10 T MacIntyre (April salary) £521.66
Mr Harland proposed that councillors take items 18.1.1 to 18.1.10 en bloc.  Mr Bedford seconded the proposal and all agreed.
17.2    Approve invoice from Came and Co for annual insurance premium - £1,000.50.  All councillors agreed.
17.3    Approve invoice from Surrey Hill Solicitors for advice regarding Keynor Lane traveller site.  All councillors agreed.
17.4    Approve a PC contribution of £477.11 towards the cost of fencing for playground.  (£2,000 to be applied for from Ferry Farm Community Fund).  All councillors agreed.
17.5    Approve Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of Annual Return) for
2017-18. All councillors agreed.
17.6    Approve Accounts and Annual Return for 2017-2018.  The accounts and Annual Return for 2017-2018 had been circulated to councillors and were approved unanimously.
17.7    Appoint Mrs F Fields as Internal Auditor (£85 per year).  Mrs Fields’ appointment was confirmed unanimously.
17.8    Approve Financial Risk Document for 2017/2018.  Approved unanimously.
17.9    Approve SPC Asset Register.  Approved unanimously.

18.     Reports.    None
19.     Correspondence.  None
20.     Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting. None

Meeting closed at 9.30 pm
