Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 20th November 2019
Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 20th November 2019 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.30pm
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
Present: Mr R Ryder, Mrs C Hall, Mrs P Tull, Mr C Field, Mrs L Gibson-House, Mrs M Monnington, Mr L Ramm and Mr A Harland, Cllr P Montyn (WSCC), Cllr C Purnell, 2 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
1. Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda.
2 members of the Sidlesham Eco Group, present at the meeting, requested that the PC consider a proposal to plant trees in the village, possibly on the Memorial Playing Field. The Woodland Trust provide 150 free trees to communities and applications for the next round will close in March 2020. It was pointed out that the PC wishes to develop the use of the MPF for sport and recreation and therefore would not want the central area planted. Mr Ryder stated that, within the Neighbourhood Plan, there will be a policy on environmental issues. He felt that, while he supported the idea, any project like this should be considered within an overall plan for the village. He suggested that they attend the Neighbourhood Plan Meeting on 9th January 2020 and hoped that they might volunteer to join the team on Environmental issues.
In addition, they asked whether the PC might consider the MPF as a drop off/collection point for Terra Cycle, a recycling scheme for items which do not go in local authority recycling bins. Mr Harland reported that the PC did once have recycling bins on the MPF car park; this was removed as a result of the constant clearing needed of the area round the bins where items did not make it into the bin and boxes and bags were left. The Terra Cycle system needs volunteers to sort, weigh and bag the goods before they are collected; it would need a constant rota of volunteers. Again, a project such as this should form part of an overall plan for the village.
2. Apologies for Absence: Mr M Mellodey
3. Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None.
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 16th October 2019 to be signed as a correct record. Mr Harland proposed and Mr Field seconded that the minutes be signed. All agreed.
5. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
6. WSCC Councillor
Cllr Montyn informed the PC that a Speed Indicator Device has been installed in Bracklesham. The Clerk had sent a copy of the PC’s letter to Highways putting the case for a SID in Sidlesham. Cllr Montyn assured the PC that he would do all he could to support the proposal.
7. CDC Councillor
Cllr Purnell reported that a Housing Strategy Consultation is about to be launched. It will come out in late November and will run until early January.
The Local Plan is proceeding with evidence from the consultation. Cllr Purnell stated that there is an element of urgency now; the Plan must be submitted by June 2020.
The PC had, at the October PC Meeting, deferred a decision on its contribution to the Manhood Peninsula Partnership until the PC was sure of its value to Sidlesham. Cllr Purnell pointed out that the PC is sent a monthly report on MPP activities which the Clerk circulates. The Clerk does not receive the agenda before meetings and therefore does not have a representative at the meetings. Cllr Purnell informed the PC that the MPP has brought in over £1m to the Manhood Peninsula for drainage and flooding projects through SWISH. Mr Field offered to attend meetings and will attend the next meeting on 25th November 2019.
8. Neighbourhood Plan
Mr Ryder reported that the invitation to the NP Meeting on 9th January 2020 will be put in the Sidlesham Parishioner, Sidlesham Spread, on the boards and the website. In addition, the Clerk will write personally to all those who volunteered at the Parish Annual Meeting.
9. Selsey/Witterings Mobile Waste Service
The questionnaire from CDC has been circulated and posters have been put on the notice boards. Cllr Purnell urged all to respond online.
10. Memorial Playing Field
10.1 An Interim Agreement between Sidlesham Football Club and the PC has been sent to SFC. Cllr Purnell asked whether it was a legal document. It is not and she informed the PC that it would therefore not enable SFC to seek funding.
Mr Ryder informed councillors that he and Mr Mellodey have an appointment to meet with representatives of Chichester University when they will investigate possible uses for the field. 11. Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
11.1 Selsey/Chichester Greenway Commuter cycle route.
The next meeting will be 22nd November 2019. However, Mr Bedford had sent a report which the Clerk had circulated. The route through Sidlesham remains a problem.
11.2 Speed Indicator Device for Paddock Straight.
The PC’s letter to WSCC Highways, putting the case for a VAS in Sidlesham,has been sent, with a copy to Cllr Montyn. He asked if the PC has sufficient funds for the device. The Clerk stated that the PC has, through grants, sufficient funds for a device supplied by a company approved by WSCC. Mrs Hall has placed an article in the Sidlesham Spread and Parishioner to ask parishioners if they support the project. Cllr Montyn asked to be sent a copy of the outcome of the consultation.
12. Assets & Amenities Workgroup.
12.1 Damage to playground shelter
The Clerk awaits a decision from the PC’s insurance company regarding its claim. She has sent a follow up letter.
13. Manhood Peninsula Action Group Meeting
Mr Ryder reported that the Group has a new website. The Clerk will circulate the link to the website. The Group has written to Mrs G Keegan MP; she cannot, however, deal with it until after the forthcoming election. In the meantime, the Group will continue to lobby through the website and social media on infrastructure, houses on flood plains and such issues. Mr Harland asked where the Group is obtaining its funding; Mr Ryder explained that funding is being achieved by crowd funding.
14. Finance
14.1 Income
14.1.1 Groundwork (grant for Neighbourhood Plan) £1720
14.1.2 Chichester District Council (New Homes Bonus) £1910.37
14.1.3 Ferry Farm Community Grant £500
14.2 Payments
14.2.1 H B Collins (strim, litter pick and remove and dispose of broken shelter Perspex) £680.40
14.2.2 M H Kennedy (mow grass) £132.60
14.2.3 Scanstation (annual fee for email hosting) £43.20
Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Monnington seconded that Items 14.1 to 14.2.3 be taken en bloc. All agreed.
14.3 Agree donation to Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.
The PC agreed to add a £45 donation to the £15 cost of the wreath, giving a total cost of £60.
14.4 Annual payment to Manhood Peninsula Partnership (MPP)
The PC agreed to a payment of £200 towards the running costs of the MPP.
14.5 Request from Sidlesham PCC for contribution to maintenance of the churchyard.
The Clerk had received a letter from the PCC Secretary requesting that the PC consider increasing its contribution to churchyard maintenance this year to help with extensive and expensive work on the churchyard trees. The Clerk had circulated the letter. The PC agreed to add £250 to the £500 already allocated to churchyard mowing, making a total of £750.
14.6 Request for contribution to community defibrillator at school.
The PC agreed to contribute £224.50 towards the cost of a defibrillator to be installed on a public wall of Sidlesham Primary School.
14.7 Cost of Parish Online
The PC has had free introductory access to the package but that comes to an end on 1st February 2020. The package is thought necessary for the writing of the Neighbourhood Plan. As a smaller council, it will cost £30. The PC approved the cost.
14.8 Approve Parish Precept for 2020/2021. It was agreed that the PC increase the contribution to Churchyard mowing from £500 to £750 in order to help with the extensive tree work needed in the churchyard. With that amendment, Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Tull seconded that the PC approve a Precept for 2020/21 of £36,465.
18. Correspondence.
18.1 The Clerk had received an email from an organisation, working in association with Charity Scope, looking for new locations for textile recycling banks. The Clerk was asked to reply that the PC did not have a suitable location.
19. Matters of urgent public importance. None
20. Matters of Information.
20.1 Mr Field reported on the CDALC Meeting he had attended. The District Commander of Chichester and Arundel had attended and reported on the reinstatement of the PCSO network in the area. Initially, the areas covered by each PCSO will be larger than before but as new recruits are trained, it is hoped they will be able to reinstate a system similar that before it was abandoned. PCSOs will keep each other informed so all should be better informed and be able to cover for others when absent. Each PCSO should contact the PC at least once a year. The PC should be contacted shortly to be given the dedicated telephone contact line.
Meeting closed at 9.00 pm