Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 19th February 2020
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Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 19th February 2020

Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 19th February 2020 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.30pm

Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.

Present: Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mr R Ryder, Mrs C Hall, Mrs P Tull, Mr C Field, Mrs M Monnington, Mr L Ramm, Mrs Gibson-House and Mr A Harland, Cllr P Montyn (WSCC), Cllr C Purnell, Cllr D Johnson, 6 member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.

1. Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda. None
2. Apologies for Absence: None
3. Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None.
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th January 2020 to be signed as a correct record. Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Hall seconded that the minutes be signed. All agreed.
5. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
6. WSCC Councillor
Cllr Montyn reported that WSCC’s budget had been confirmed at a full meeting of the Council. The budget for Adult Care has been raised by 2%. With a general increase of 1.99%, this will give a total increase of 3.99%. Cllr Montyn was pleased to inform the PC that the budget will include a continuation of Operation Watershed funding of approximately £300,000.
Mr Field asked why the PC had not heard from Sidlesham’s PCSO. Cllr Montyn explained that this was not a WSCC matter but he did understand that the police are still recruiting for the new posts and that not all have been appointed.
7. CDC Councillor
Cllr Johnson referred to the Class Q Prior Approval consultation. She is hopeful that the PC’s concerns will be addressed and the Consultation will lead to a document which will give greater clarity on the legislation.
The Local Plan is progressing despite delays.
8. Neighbourhood Plan
Mr Ryder reported on the meeting on the 29th January. It was well attended. However, more volunteers attended than had signed up at the meeting on 9th January and this had led to two of the groups being oversubscribed. There are now four consultative groups of manageable size: Environment, Community, Planning and Traffic. A draft document has been drawn up which will be added to as the project progresses. The Clerk will load the document onto the website. Further meetings have been arranged for the Environment and Community Groups. Mr Ryder was hopeful that the document would be ready by the end of 2020.
9. Memorial Playing Field
9.1 Update – Interim Agreement with Football Club
The PC had received a letter dated 31st January 2020 from Sidlesham Football Club in which it informed the PC that it would disband and leave the MPF at the end of the season on 31st May 2020. The Letter had been circulated and it was agreed that, with regret, the PC will accept SFC’s resignation. Mr Mellodey proposed that the PC seek legal advice in planning SFC’s departure. All agreed.
9.2 CCTV for Memorial Playing Field
Mrs Hall had circulated a quotation for the installation of CCTV cameras. In view of the current situation on the MPF, it was decided that it would be difficult to negotiate the siting of cameras with SFC and therefore the PC deferred the decision. All agreed.
The PC had been informed that the police have apprehended 2 individuals who may have been involved in recent vandalism on the ground.
10. Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
10.1 VAS for Paddock Straight.
The PC has not yet had a decision from WSCC Highways on its application for a VAS on Paddock Straight. The Clerk had written again the WSCC. Cllr Montyn asked that the Clerk send him correspondence she has had with WSCC regarding the VAS installation.
10.2 Selsey to Chichester Greenway Project
Mr Mellodey had received an update on the project. Much of the cycle route has made good progress. The group will pursue a legal application to change the status of Golf Links Lane to a bridleway. The route at the end of Keynor Lane has met with approval but the Group would appreciate further efforts with landowners. There have been discussions with the Canal Trust and Donnington PC. £30,000 has been made available for ecological studies. A proposal has been put forward for the car park as Hunston to be extended to become a park and cycle to Chichester scheme. This will require further investigation.
11. Assets & Amenities Workgroup.
11.1 Trees on Paddock Straight
A tree fell in the recent storms and several branches broke from other trees. The broken wood has been removed and a parishioner is investigating the cost of replacing the fallen tree.
11.2 Mrs Hall stated that the PC should replace the playground sand. The sandpit is flooded at present but it was decided that the Clerk will order another 3 tons of playground sand in March.
In addition, there are several dips in the ground matting. The Clerk was asked to obtain a quote to level the ground and replace some matting. The Clerk had received the annual external inspection report and ground matting was the main issue.
11.3 Proposal to register Anchor Pub as Community Asset
Mr Field felt that this should be part of the remit for the Neighbourhood Plan Community Group. Mrs Hall will include it in the Community Group’s list for discussion.
12. Representative for SWISH
Mr Field offered to represent SPC at SWISH Meetings. All agreed. A request from FLOW & SWISh has been received regarding a scheme for Sidlesham to consider being a pilot for the roll out of the Local Scheme of Management to get baseline data about groundwater levels. The PC agreed in principle but the Clerk was asked to write to Ms Reeve-Foster and Mr Bedford to ask if either would brief the PC on what would be involved at the next PC meeting.
13. Flood Report
Mr Bedford had submitted a further report which had been circulated. Mr Harland reported on flooding at the property next to Thorverton on the Selsey Road. It is thought that the flooding is caused by damage to the drain by a large lime tree. Mr Bedford of the Flood & Land Drainage Group is aware of the problem.
14. Selsey/Witterings Mobile Waste Service
Despite there being an environmental case to reduce the traffic through the village, Sidlesham is closer to Westhampnett than Selsey or the Witterings, and the response from residents of Sidlesham to the consultation had been very small and did not give the PC a mandate for such expense. The PC decided unanimously that it would not contribute.
15. CDC Grant for celebration of 75 years since end of WW2
2 proposals had been put forward: the first for a memorial booklet on aspects of life in Sidlesham relating to entertainment and meals for troops stationed in the village during WW2. The other is for a celebration day organised between the SCA and Sidlesham Primary School. It was decided that the Clerk apply for the grant and that it be split between the SCA/school proposal and Mr Field’s booklet equally. The Clerk requested that Mr Field and the SCA submit quotations for costs. Mr Ramm suggested that the PC approach local businesses to seek sponsorship for the printing of the booklet in exchange for an acknowledgement in the back of the booklet. This was thought a good proposal.
16. Finance
16.1.1 Sidlesham Football Club (payment for use of pitch) £15
16.2 Payments
16.2.1 T MacIntyre (October salary) £537.50
16.2.2 T MacIntyre (December salary) £537.50
16.2.3 H B Collins (strim and litter pick) £338.40
16.2.4 T MacIntyre (January salary) £537.50
16.2.5 SSALC (Annual subscription) £36.00
16.2.6 JWL Installs Ltd (repair shelter, zip wire and install dog signs) £2,130.00
Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Tull seconded that items 16.1 to 16.2.6 be taken en bloc. All agreed.
16.3 Approve donation of £20 to Selsey Academy for Statistics Prize
It was decided that the PC raise the donation to £25 and all agreed.
16.4 Approve Expenditure against budget statement
The statement had been circulated to Councillors and approved by all.
17. Reports
Mr Mellodey and Mr Ramm attended CDC’s All Parishes Meeting. They had found it interesting and informative and the Clerk had circulated notes from the meeting.
17. Correspondence. None.
18. Matters of urgent public importance. None
19. Matters of Information. None
Meeting closed at 9.00 pm
