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16 to 20 Bus Saver Discount Consultation

West Sussex County Council has just launched a survey for the 16 to 20 Bus Saver discount, available to all West Sussex residents aged 16-20. To encourage more survey takers, we have included a prize draw of five winners of five £50 gift vouchers. All the details can be found on the survey link...

West Sussex Recycling Centres switch to winter opening hours from October 1st

For full details, please see the link below: NEWS-RELEASE-RecyclingDownload

Important Amendments to the ‘Sepsis: Know the Signs, Save a Life’ Campaign Featured in Last Week’s Newsletter.

For full details, please see the link below: Important-Changes-to-Residents-eNewsletterDownload

Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne has Launched a Survey asking Sussex Residents for their Feedback on the Policing Service they Receive.

Now in her fourth term as Sussex PCC, Mrs Bourne is eager to understand residents’ concerns and ideas in order to inform the priorities in her new Police & Crime Plan. Speaking about the survey, PCC Katy Bourne said: “As your Police & Crime Commissioner since 2012, I've been asking you, as local residents,...

Romance Fraud in Sussex

For full details, please see the link below: Romance-Scam-ArticleDownload

September Sidlesham Spread



For full details, please use the link below: Selsey-Tram-Bulletin-No-23-August-2024Download
