Payments over £100 in year 2020-2021
Payments over £100 in year 2020/2021
WSALC & NSALC (Subscription) £409
CDC (annual fee for emptying bins) £574.70
M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £132.60
Surrey Hills Solicitors (legal expenses) £450.00
Stonepillow (donation) £100
Chestnut Tree House (donation) £100
T MacIntyre (April salary) £552.0
M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £136.20
Access-by Design (annual fee to host website) £144.00
PDC Print (print run of "Sidlesham on the Home Front" £410.00
Came & Company (annual insurance premium) £1078.03
T MacIntyre (May salary) £552.08
H B Collins (strim & litter pick) £916.80
M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £136.20
Western Sussex Charitable Funds T/A Love your Hsp Charity (donation to charity on behalf of Sidlesham Football Club in exchange for mowing, floodlights and fencing) £500.00
Sussex County FA (Membership fee) £150.00
T MacIntyre (June salary) £552.08
T MacIntyre (expenses March-June 2020) £162.00
JWL Installs Ltd (repair ground matting at playground) £1209.60
M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight and Memorial Playing Field) £596.40
T MacIntyre (July salary) £552.08
Groundwork UK (repay unspent Neighbourhood Plan grant) £1,585.81
Witterings Village Pre-School Ltd (repay cost of football pitch equipment) £554.80
M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight and Memorial Playing Field) £352.20
H B Colling (strim & litter pick) £1368.00
T MacIntyre (August salary) £552.08
Fisher Lane Groundcare (mow MPF pitches) £192.00
M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £136.20
Non Domestic Rates Bill 2020/21 (1st instalment on MPF rates) £692.72
Fisher Lane Groundcare (mow pitches) £156.00
Satswana (annual Data Protection fee) £180.00
T MacIntyre (expenses July-September 2020) £433.18
CDC (contribution to MPP) £100
JPI Media Publishing (advertising for new Clerk) £653.28
KJC Trees (annual work on MPF trees) £540.00
Wyvern Garden Machinery (new lawn mower for MPF) £4,080.00
HB Collins (strim & litter pick) £916.80
M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £136.20
Sidlesham PCC (Contribution to cost of mowing and tree work in churchyard) £750
Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group (contribution to information boards at Florence Pond & Willow Glen) £1,500
Mr H Platt (refund cost of security equipment for MPF mower) £164.92
Mr H Platt (refund cost of mower fuel and strimmer) £134.33
M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £136.20
Wilbar Associates Ltd (install hinge and post for SID) £1050.00
JL Fire Safety Consultant (Fire Risk Assessment) £350.00
H B Colling (strim and litter pick) £1,209.60
Moore East Midlands (Annual external audit) £240.00
Castle Water MPF Clubhouse water 127.18
SSE Clubhouse electricity 622.95
Trojan Bus Shelter Repair 440.00
MH Kennedy Grass cut 113.50
JW Installs Rebuild small mound 2500.00
Corina Hall Expenses Clubhouse £142.87
Scanstation Parish Clerk Laptop repair 158.30
Trojan Fix door/roof of Electrics 295.00
Neil Hughes Plumbing Clubhouse 150.00
Farrell Property Maint Electrics Clubhouse 375.00
Farrell Property Maint Electrics Clubhouse 625.00
Farrell Property Maint Electrics Clubhouse 365.00
TJC Fencing | Repairs to playground gate | 326.80 |
CDC | MPP Contribution 2021/22 | 200.00 |
Surrey Hills | Creation of CIO | 600.00 |
Westcotec | Speed Indicator Device | 2900.00 |
Caroline Mackenzie | Salary Dec 2020 Jan 2021 | 1104.16 |
Harvey Collins | Grass Cut and Litter Pick | 288.00 |
Farrell Prop Maintainence | Club house electrics | 1125.00 |
Caroline Mackenzie | Salary February 2021 | 552.08 |
Harvey Collins | Grass Cut and Litter Pick | 288.00 |
Farrell Prop Maintainence | Club house electrics | 1,125.00 |
Caroline Mackenzie | Salary February 2021 | 552.08 |
Amstech | Asbestoc Removal | 350.00 |
Business Stream | Waste Water Clubhouse | 123.77 |
C Mackenzie | Salary March 2021 | 606.67 |