Message from Cabinet Member for Housing and Revenues and Benefits at Chichester District Council
For full details, please see the link below: District-Dispatch-from-Cllr-D-BettsDownload
WSCC Resident's ENewsletter regarding the Budget
For more information, please see the link below: Residents-eNewsletter-WSCCDownload
West Sussex District Council News Release regarding Major Health Survey
For full details, please see the link below: news-release-15.2.24Download
District Dispatch from Cllr A Moss
For full details, please see the link below: District-Dispatch-Cllr-BangertDownload
Fostering in West Sussex
Are you Scam Savvy Webinars and Online Safety Updates
To stop individuals becoming victims of fraud and blackmail, West Sussex County Council are running three ‘Are you scam savvy?’ events, both online and in person at Crawley, Bognor Regis and Shoreham libraries. The sessions are for anyone who wants to keep themselves, or friends and family, from falling foul of different types of scams,...
Outside the Box
West Sussex County Council News Release
Full Council to decide council plan and final budget. Members of the public can attend the meeting, which starts at 10.30am at County Hall, Chichester, or watch online at For full details, please see the link below: NEWS-RELEASE-7.2.24Download