Minutes of Statutory Annual Parish Council Meeting 15th May 2019
Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Statutory Annual Parish Council Meeting on 15th May 2019 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.30pm
Present: Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mrs C Hall, Mr A Harland, Mr R Ryder and Mr C Field, Cllr P Montyn and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
1. Election of Chairman. Mr Ryder proposed and Mr Field seconded that Mr Mellodey continue in post as Chairman. All agreed.
2. Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda. None.
3. Apologies for Absence: Mrs M Monnington, Cllr D Johnson (CDC) and Cllr C Purnell (CDC).
4. Election of Vice Chairman.
Mrs Hall proposed and Mr Mellodey seconded that Mr Ryder be elected as Vice Chairman. All councillors agreed.
5. Election of Chairman of Planning Committee
Mr Field proposed Mr Harland for Chairman of Planning. Mr Harland was elected unanimously. Mr Harland proposed that Mr Field be elected as Vice Chairman of Planning. All agreed.
6. Members, Representatives and other appointments.
6.1 Planning Committee. It was proposed that all members of the PC remain on the Planning Committee. Agreed unanimously.
6.2 Finance Work Group. In addition to the Chairman and Vice Chairman, who sit ex-officio, it was agreed unanimously that Mrs Hall and Mr Harland serve on the Finance Work Group.
6.3 Appoint Parish Council Accounts Monitor. Mr Harland offered to continue in his role as Parish Council Accounts Monitor and this was agreed unanimously.
6.4 Appoint signatories for bank mandate. It was agreed that Mr Mellodey, Mr Harland and Mr Ryder be signatories on the bank mandate.
6.5 Assets and Amenities Work Group. Mrs Hall will remain as Chairman of the A&A Work Group. 2 more councillors will be appointed to the Work Group when the co-option process is complete and the Parish has a full Council. All agreed.
6.6 Neighbourhood Plan Work Group. Mr Ryder will lead and Mr Mellodey will serve on the Neighbourhood Plan Work Group. All agreed.
6.7 Memorial Playing Field Work Group. Mr Mellodey and Mr Ryder will represent the PC on the MPF Work Group. All agreed.
6.8 Representative to Pagham Harbour Local Nature Reserve Community Meetings. Mr Field offered to represent SPC at Pagham Harbour LNRC Meetings and all agreed.
6.9 Representative to Chichester District Association of Local Councils. (CDALC). Mr Field will represent SPC at CDALC meetings.
6.10 Representatives to Peninsula Community Forum. Mr Mellodey and Mr Ryder will attend meetings. All agreed.
6.13 Approve membership of SSALC and appoint representative. Mrs Hall will represent SPC at SSALC Meetings. All agreed.
6.14 Representative to Flood and Land Drainage Group. Mrs Monnington will represent SPC at meetings. All agreed.
6.15 Representative to Ferry Farm Solar Community Company. Mrs Hall will represent SPC at Ferry Farm meetings at the end of the next funding cycle when Mr Mellodey will step down.
6.16 Representative to Manhood Parishes Action Group. Mr Mellodey will attend meetings. If Mr Mellodey is unavailable, Mr Ryder will attend. All agreed.
7. Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None
8. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 17th April 2019 to be signed as a correct record. Mr Harland proposed and Mr Mellodey seconded that the minutes be signed. 4 agreed with 1 abstention.
9. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below. None.
10. WSCC Councillor
Cllr Montyn asked if the ditch clearance and power washing of the culvert north of Lockgate Road had been effective and whether the drainage ponds created with Operation Watershed funding had improved surface water drainage. As there has been so little rain since the work was carried out, it has not been possible to assess its effect.
11. Neighbourhood Plan
Mr Ryder has spoken to the Chairman of Hunston PC regarding their Neighbourhood Plan. Mr Ryder suggested that the PC initiate the process with a Vision Statement outlining what Sidlesham would like to achieve from the NP. This will be presented to Sidlesham parishioners for approval. Mr Ryder will meet with Mr Bedford to discuss a Vision Statement. Mr Ryder requested that the PC agree to fund the administration of the project. The Clerk was asked to keep a record of administrative work associated with the NP. The Clerk will look into an application for a grant to cover costs and establish what will be covered.
12. New Ward Boundaries – letter to CDC on result of District election
The recent CDC election has resulted, as expected, in no candidate from Sidlesham being elected. Mr Mellodey proposed that the PC write a letter to the Leader of CDC which will make clear that Sidlesham has been effectively disenfranchised by the new ward boundaries. The PC was sure that the two elected Councillors will do their best to represent Sidlesham, but felt that the priorities of Selsey Councillors will not concur with those of Sidlesham. The letter to be signed by all Councillors.
13. Memorial Playing Field
13.1 Following a unanimous decision at the Annual Parish Meeting, a letter has been sent to the Chairman of Sidlesham Football Club giving notice to terminate the Heads of Agreement between SFC and SPC. Mr Mellodey stated that SFC and SPC need to work out an interim arrangement and an agreement for the future. The Clerk had written to the Manager of SFC asking for a key to the clubhouse in order that members of the PC can show prospective users of the field the layout of the building. This has been denied by SFC. Mrs Hall suggested that the clubhouse be referred to as the New Memorial Hall. She suggested that the PC should make a start on raising funds towards a hall and will draw up ideas for fund raising projects. Mr Mellodey asked Cllr Montyn if he knew the position of the Woodger Trust with regard to funding for a building. Cllr Montyn will make enquiries.
13.2 The relaying of the MPF drive will take place on 10th June 2019. The drive will be closed for 1 day; the Clerk will write to those who park on the MPF.
14. Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
14.1 Selsey/Chichester Commuter Cycle route.
It was decided that once the co-option process is complete, a second councillor will be appointed to represent SPC, in addition to Mr Mellodey, at meetings on the Selsey/ Chichester Commuter Cycle Route. There is to be a further meeting with WSCC to find a safe route through Sidlesham. The cycle track from Selsey to Medmerry is open and in use.
14.2 Mr Field raised the lack of curb on the stretch of road between the Anchor Bend and just north of Lockgate Road. The PC has written to Highways twice to ask that they look into reinstating the curb. So far, there has no progress.
15. Assets and Amenities Workgroup
15.1 Bench at Florence Pond.
The bench has been installed and Mr Mellodey will attach the plaque from the old bench.
16. Data Protection Briefing for PC
The Clerk informed the PC that she had contacted Satswana and asked that they delay the Councillor briefing until after the co-option process is complete and we have a full Council.
17. New Homes Bonus
The Clerk informed Councillors that SPC has been allocated a possible £1,750.12 from the New Homes Bonus fund. She asked councillors to think about what this could be used for.
18. Finance
18.1 Income
18.1.1 Sidlesham Football Club (Ground Rent) £200.00
18.2 Payments
18.2.1 JWL Installs (clean and paint playground equipment) £552
18.2.2 KJC Trees (deadwood trees on MPF and remove rubbish) £420
18.2.3 T MacIntyre (April salary) £537.50
18.2.4 CPRE (annual subscription) £36.00
18.3 Approve reservation for Mr R Ryder on Councillor’s Briefing and Awareness Training (£70) + 3 places reserved for new Councillors appointed by co-option. Approved unanimously.
18.4 Approve Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of Annual Return) for 2018/19. The Annual Governance Statement, having been circulated to all councillors, was approved unanimously.
18.5 Approve Accounts and Annual Return for 2018-2019.
The Accounts and Annual Return for 2018-19, having been circulated to all councillors, was approved unanimously.
18.6 Appoint Mrs F Fields as Internal Auditor for 2019/20 at cost of £90. Approved unanimously.
18.7 Approve Financial Risk Document for 2019/2020. Approved unanimously.
18.8 Approve SPC Asset Register. Approved unanimously.
19. Reports. None
20. Correspondence. None
21. Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.
21.1 New Councillors: Notices are up on the boards asking that anyone interested in being co-opted to the Parish Council contact the Clerk. Councillors were asked to spread the word and make parishioners aware of the vacancies.
Meeting closed at 9.00 pm