Minutes of Sidlesham Parish Council Meeting 20th June 2018
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Minutes of Sidlesham Parish Council Meeting 20th June 2018

Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 20th June 2018 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.30pm

Present:  Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mr P Bedford, Mrs C Hall, Mrs M Monnington, Mrs C Ranjbar, Mr R Ryder and Dr F Lewis.  Cllr P Montyn (WSCC), Cllr P Tull (CDC) and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
1     Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda.   None

2.    Apologies for Absence:  Mr A Harland and Mrs U Pearce
3.    Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda.   None
4.    Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 16th May 2018 to be signed as a correct record.  Dr Lewis proposed and Mrs Monnington seconded that the minutes be signed.  6 agreed with 1 abstention.
5.    Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.    None.
6.     WSCC Councillor
Cllr Montyn informed the PC that WSCC has received £1.6m from the Department of Transport to repair damaged road surfaces. WSCC has added £540,000 to this sum and is now able to increase its number of road repair gangs to 17 to reduce the backlog of pot holes.
A27.  CDC and WSCC are in agreement in requesting preference for the mitigated northern option.  Of the 14 parishes between Fishbourne and Tangmere, 12 parishes had written and expressed a preference for the northern route; those parishes collectively add up to 32,000 residents.  Cllr Montyn had addressed the Select Committee and has written and spoken to Mrs G Keegan MP.  All CDC and WSCC Councillors will meet Ms Keegan MP on 22nd June 2018 when this matter will be discussed.
Solar Power for Schools.  Sidlesham Primary School is to be a beneficiary of this funding scheme and should have its new solar panels installed before March when the current tariff for schools runs out.
Mr Bedford asked Cllr Montyn about the Greenway Cycle Route and pointed out that, although there are plans for a cycle route west of the B2145, there is no cycle link on the eastern side of the B2145 to link with the Free School crossing.  Mr Mellodey repeated his concern that the southern section of the Chichester/Selsey Cycle Route has approval for funding.  This will result in cyclists entering the B2145 in Sidlesham, where bends in the road make it unsafe.
Mrs Ranjbar raised the ditch on the Anchor Bend where the Parish suffered flooding in the winter.  The ditch has still not been cleared.  Cllr Montyn will follow this up.
Dr Lewis pointed out that the grass on the corner of Rotten Row should be cut further back from the road.  WSCC has cut the grass recently but not far enough onto the field to give safe visibility.
Mr Bedford informed Cllr Montyn that WSCC’s grass cutters had strimmed the grass surrounding Florence Pond.  Florence Pond is maintained by the Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group and he asked that Cllr Montyn reinforce this with WSCC.  The strimmers had cut down the wild flowers and distributed Japanese Knotweed into the ditch.
7.     CDC Councillor
Cllr Tull confirmed that both CDC and WSCC agree on a preference for the Mitigated Northern Route.  This will be conveyed to Mrs Gillian Keegan MP at the meeting on 22nd June 2018.
8.     Neighbourhood Plan
Mr Bedford reported that the Designated Plan Area has been submitted to CDC.  The Clerk had received a reply suggesting a meeting between CDC and the PC.  The Clerk had replied, accepted the invitation, but had requested that the start date for the period on deposit will be the date of the PC’s submission of the plan to CDC and should not wait until after the meeting.  Mr Bedford felt that roughly 10% of the work for the Neighbourhood Plan has been done.
9.      Memorial Playing Field
9.1    Update
Mr Mellodey will arrange a meeting of the MPF Work Group.  Changes in the management structure of the Football Club have taken place and need to be clarified.  The Clerk was asked to invoice the FC for the 2nd instalment of their ground rent.
The FC had been approached with regard to allowing members of the public to use their burger bar for snacks and drinks while using the playground. The FC had expressed doubt about their insurance cover.  The Clerk had written to the PC’s insurers to clarify the position on its PLI and had been told that the PC’s PLI would cover those using the burger bar only if the PC took full responsibility for that part of the building.  At present the FC has PLI covering the whole clubhouse.  It has been noticed that the MPF grass has not been cut recently.
Mr Bedford informed the PC of funding bodies which have been approached and might in future be approached.
9.2    Parking at back of Shotford.
The Clerk had received a map from Portsmouth Water.  This shows the route of the water main under the eastern side of the MPF.  It was agreed that the PC should maintain its policy to allow residents of Shotford to park on the MPF car park but may not park on the grass behind their properties.
10.     Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
10.1   Bus Shelter north of Lockgate Road.
The PC awaits a response from WSCC Highways.
10.2   Mrs Hall had attended a meeting with the police.  The Police Commissioner had attended the meeting to answer questions from Boxgrove Traffic Calming Group on how the police can help community groups with rapid implementation of schemes to reduce speed.  Mrs Hall reported that the police expect an increase in funding to improve reception on the 101 call centre.  The SCA will apply to the Ferry Farm Community Fund for a grant to pay for additional 30 mph signs.
11.     Assets and Amenities Workgroup
11.1  Barrier Gate at MPF.
The Clerk continues to try to obtain a quotation for the repair of the gate.
12.     Bins to reduce roadside litter
CDC has installed a new bin at Sidlesham Primary School gate.  However, the parish will not have new bins at the Lockgate Road or Anchor Bend bus stops.  This is disappointing.  CDC had erected signs on the Paddock Straight asking motorists not to leave litter.  The signs have been vandalised.
13.     Nominate Representative for Manhood Tourism Work Group
Mr Ryder volunteered and all agreed that he represent SPC on the Manhood Tourism Work Group.
14.      Finance
14.1     Income
14.1.1  H B Collins (strim & litter pick) £561.60
14.1.2    Came & Company (Insurance) £1000.50
14.1.3    M H Kennedy & Son (mow Paddock Straight) £258.00
14.1.4    T MacIntyre (May salary) £521.66
14.1.5    CXS.Host (annual website hosting fee) £144.00
14.1.6    Viv Mellodey (WI tea/coffee for Parish Mtg) £5.26
14.1.7    Surrey Hills Solicitors (legal advice) £180.00
Mrs Hall proposed and Mrs Monnington seconded that items 14.1.1 to 14.1.7 be taken en bloc.  All agreed.
14.     Reports.
15.     Correspondence.  None
16.     Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.

Meeting closed at 9.00 pm
