Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting on 21st November 2018
Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday 21st November 2018 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane, Sidlesham at 7.00 pm
Members of the Council and the public were informed that the meeting will be recorded.
Present: Mr P Bedford (Chairman), Mr M Mellodey, Mrs C Ranjbar, Dr F Lewis, Mrs M Monnington, Mr R Ryder, Mr Harland, Mrs U Pearce and Mrs C Hall, Cllr P Tull (CDC), 5 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
1. Apologies for absence: None
2. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 17th October 2018 to be signed as a correct record.
Mrs Hall proposed and Mrs Monnington seconded that the minutes be signed. 8 agreed with 1 abstention.
3. Declarations by Councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda.
3.1 Mrs Ranjbar declared an interest and will not take part in discussions on Item 6.4
4. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
4.1 Mrs Hall asked if the Clerk had heard from Enforcement regarding the new building erected on Ham Road. The Appeal has upheld the planning decision and Enforcement has given the owner 12 months to remove the building. The PC will not hear more until that period has expired.
4.2 Mr Bedford reported on his meeting with Earnley Planning Committee Chairman. Earnley is producing a record of all Class Q approvals in the Parish. Mr Bedford has drawn up a record of conversions and Class Q approvals in Sidlesham. Both Earnley and Sidlesham will look into and report on the potential for further conversions. The information from both reports will be analysed and merged to produce a joint statement to be submitted to CDC. Mr Bedford reminded Councillors of the clause, discussed at the October Planning Committee Meeting, to be added to the PC’s response to applications. Earnley will take that statement to its Planning Committee for approval and it will form part of Earnley and Sidlesham’s statement to CDC.
5. Confirmation of Applications discussed at Meeting on 17th October 2018
5.1 SI/18/02660/PA1A - 67 Street End Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex
Single storey extension to the rear (a) rear extension - 5.68m (b) maximum height - 3.9m (c) height of eaves - 2.5m.
No objection. All agreed.
6. New Planning Application for Discussion
6.1 SI/18/02403/DOM & SI/18/02404/LBC - Church Gate Cottage Church Lane Sidlesham PO20 7RH
New dormer window to roof on south elevation with first floor alterations and front porch.
No objection. All agreed.
6.2 SI/18/02396/FUL - Easton Farm Easton Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Proposed new light industrial units.
The PC objects to this Planning Application. The proposed industrial units would be unsuitable in this countryside location. The PC requested that CDC investigate whether the company’s current use of the site is compliant with its previous Planning Consent. All agreed.
6.3 SI/18/02691/FUL - Old Gardens, Highleigh Road Sidlesham PO20 7NN
Construction of two chalet bungalows with garages.
The PC objects to this Planning Application. In Sidlesham there is a local plan policy which does not allow new building in the parish; only replacement buildings on the footprint of existing buildings or small scale social housing are permitted.
6.4 SI/18/02310/DOM - 11 Shotford Selsey Road Sidlesham Chichester
Proposed dropped kerb.
The PC believes that this Application is a licencing issue for WSCC Highways. It has concerns over disabled access to buses where there is a drop curb. 8 agreed with 1 abstention.
6.5 SI/18/02705/FUL - Highleigh Nurseries, Highleigh Road Sidlesham PO20 7NR
Retrospective temporary siting of a 3 bay container unit and use of associated land for the storage and distribution for offsite sale of frozen food products.
The PC objects to this Planning Application. The business is considered inappropriate in this location. Highleigh Road is a narrow country lane and does not have the capacity for the large delivery vehicles and numerous smaller distribution vehicles collecting goods from the site plus the continuous high level of noise caused by the refrigerated vehicles currently using the road in support the business. The PC asked that Enforcement follow through on its action started in February 2018. Cllr Tull will red card this application.
6.6 SI/18/02711/PLD - 67 Street End Lane Sidlesham PO20 7RG
Replacement garage.
No objection. All agreed.
6.7 SI/18/02726/PA1A - 68 Street End Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex
Single storey extension to the rear (a) rear extension - 5.6m (b) maximum height - 3.9m (c) height of eaves - 2.5m.
No objection. All agreed
6.8 SI/18/02490/FUL - Woodlands Keynor Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Use of part of the site for the stationing of 3 caravans for use as ancillary horticultural worker accommodation/storage.
The PC objects to this Application. It did not consider 3 caravans necessary to support the use of the land. Should CDC be minded to grant consent, SPC would like it to be for a limited time of 3 years or the duration of the current lease/licence, whichever is the least, and only for a single caravan. All agreed.
6.9 SI/18/02692/PLD - 62 Street End Lane Sidlesham PO20 7RG
All or any development as permitted by Schedule 2 Part 1 Development within the curtilage of a dwelling house of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended now or in the future).
Although this change of use is against the PC’s principle on the conversion of horticultural land to residential, in this instance it has no objection to the area within the red line boundary being incorporated into the garden, and all building (3no) being considered as incidental to the residential curtilage so formed. The PC now assumes that all outbuildings will lose any right for conversion from horticulture to residential under the permitted use legislation and that the site cannot be subdivided to form any separate habitable units. All agreed.
6.10 SI/18/02291/DOM - 1 Stakeways Ham Road Sidlesham Chichester
Retrospective erection of boundary fence. O.S. Grid Ref. 484499/97754.
Provided the fence is within the boundary of the property and does not encroach on Green Lane, the PC has no objection to the boundary fence. All agree.
6.11 SI/18/02926/TCA - Oakdene Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7NA
Notification of intention to crown reduce by 30% on 1 no. Oak tree (T1) and 1 no. Maple tree (T2) and 1 no. Ash tree (T3). Crown reduce by 25% on 1 no. Pittosporum tree (T4).
No objection. All agree.
7. Planning Decisions
7.1 SI/18/00111/LBC - The Annexe Marble Bridge Farm B2145 Chichester Road To Brimfast Lane Sidlesham PO20 7PY
Solar photovoltaic panels on to the east facing elevation of the Annexe. PERMIT
7.2 SI/18/01581/FUL - Land North Of Swan Cottage Selsey Road Sidlesham West Sussex
Provision of new access and vehicle gates. REFUSE
7.3 SI/18/01986/DOM - Havra Mill Lane Sidlesham
Single storey rear extension with associated roof works including 1 no. roof lantern. PERMIT
7.4 SI/18/01698/DOM - 6 The Terrace Mill Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7NA
Single storey rear/side extension. PERMIT
7.5 SI/18/02069/DOM - The Poplars Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LU
Proposed demolition of conservatory and sub-standard first floor bathroom extension; new side extension; first floor extension; rear bay window; new roof over existing garage; re-roofing of house; new double glazed timber windows & doors; alterations to front boundary wall to form new in-out drive. PERMIT
7.6 SI/18/02166/DOM - Weste Wyndes Selsey Road Sidlesham PO20 7QX
Construction of 3 front dormers and convert loft space in to habitable accommodation. PERMIT.
7.7 SI/18/02314/PA3Q - Land West Of 63 Street End Lane Sidlesham West Sussex
Part 3 (Class Q) Application for Prior Approval - Change of use from 1 no. Agriculture building to 1 no. Dwellings (C3 Use Class). PRIOR APPROVAL REQUIRED HEREBY REFUSED.
7.8 SI/18/02348/FUL - 79 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham PO20 7QG
Erection of 1no. 3bed custom/self build dwelling - Alternative to dwelling permitted planning permission SI/17/01148/FUL. PERMIT WITH S106.
7.9 SI/18/02660/PA1A - 67 Street End Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7RG
Single storey extension to the rear (a) rear extension - 5.68m (b) maximum height - 3.9m (c) height of eaves - 2.5m. PERMIT
8. Planning Correspondence and other planning matters.
8.1 SI/18/02993/FUL - 36 Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Erection of 1no 3 bed dwelling as alternative to planning permission SI/18/00209/FUL.
The PC has no objection to this Application but is concerned that the agricultural land surrounding the building should not be incorporated into the residential curtilage and cease to be horticultural land.
9. Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting. None
10. Matters of Information. None.