Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting on 20th February 2019
Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday, 20th February 2019 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane, Sidlesham at 6.00 pm
Members of the Council and the public were informed that the meeting will be recorded.
Present: Mr P Bedford (Chairman), Mr A Harland, Mrs C Ranjbar, Dr F Lewis, Mrs M Monnington, Mr C Hall, 1 member of the public, Cllr P Tull (CDC) and Cllr C Purnell (CDC) and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Mr Bedford welcomed Cllr Purnell who, with Cllr Tull, will be standing for election to CDC for Sidlesham and Selsey North.
1. Apologies for absence: Mr M Mellodey and Mr R Ryder
2. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 16th January 2019 to be signed as a correct record. Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Ranjbar seconded that the minutes be signed. 4 agreed and 2 abstained.
3. Declarations by Councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None
4. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below:
4.1 Hatchers. The Parish Council maintains its objection to the fence. Mr Bedford stated that Common Land should not, by law, be enclosed by a solid fence. CDC’s Conservation Officer had refused consent for a fence and the applicant had withdrawn the Planning Application. However, he later proceeded to build the fence and Enforcement decided that it replaced an existing hedge/area of woodland and would therefore not pursue the matter. The area of Common Land has been registered by the PC and the Clerk was asked to write again to District Solicitor, with a copy to Enforcement, to establish the legal principle.
5. New Planning Application for Discussion
5.1 SI/18/02490/FUL - Woodlands, Keynor Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7NG
Use of part of the site for the stationing of 3 caravans for use as ancillary horticultural worker
The Parish Council maintains its objection to this Application on the basis that the caravans would not be related to the operation of the nursery. The tenant of the land is based over 2 miles from the property. The PC sought clarification on the definition of storage. Should CDC be minded to grant consent, the PC requests that it be restricted to one caravan and strictly for the duration of the lease and for no more than 3 years. All agreed
5.2 SI/18/03324/FUL - Red Barn Selsey Road Sidlesham Chichester
Demolition of existing building and construction of 1 no. dwelling.
The PC objects to this Application. The PC would wish to establish whether land now shown as in the ownership of the applicant was owned at the time of the Prior Consent as it was not shown on any of the application plans. If it were, it is a requirement that this be declared and its omission may invalidate the original consent. In addition, the PC objected to the fact that agricultural land is shown within the curtilage of the proposed building. All agreed.
5.3 SI/18/03378/FUL - Heaton Farms Ltd, Greatham Farm, Ham Road Sidlesham PO20 7PA
Demolition of the existing agricultural barns and the construction of 2 no. three-bedroom dwellings.
The PC objects to this Application. Recent case history recommends that a replacement building should reflect its original building. That is not the case with the two semidetached properties as proposed. In addition, the agent stated that it would be connected to main drains; there is no main drainage in this area. The area has drainage issues due to a high water table. Perhaps this issue should have been perused more vigorously at the prior consent stage. All agreed.
5.4 SI/18/03322/FUL - Land West Of 63, Street End Lane, Sidlesham, West Sussex
Change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian (for the keeping of horses) and erection
of associated stable building.
The PC has no objection to this Application but requests that the Applicant plant trees and introduce hedging to screen the buildings and any field structures on the very prominent and exposed site adjacent to listed buildings and a conservation area Should CDC be minded to grant this change of use, the PC requested that all development/conversion rights are removed from the building. All agreed.
6. Planning Decisions
6.1 SI/18/03262/ELD - 62 Street End Lane Sidlesham PO20 7RG
Existing lawful development certificate for the use of the site (shown in red on location plan) as a single C3 dwelling house with ancillary garden land, outbuildings, pedestrian/vehicle access and hardstanding. PERMIT
6.2 SI/18/03162/FUL - Gatehouse Nursery 88 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham PO20 7QG
Erection of 1 no. 3 bed dwelling - alternative to Class Q Prior Approval SI/17/03460/PA3Q for Change of Use from Agriculture to 1 no. 3 bed Dwelling (C3 Use Class). (Variation of condition 2 of permission SI/18/00691/FUL - increase in roof pitch to accommodate pv panels, changes in fenestration on south elevation and siting of new build). PERMIT WITH S106.
6.3 SI/18/03252/LBC - The Old Doctors House, Highleigh Road Sidlesham PO20 7NR
Proposed partial demolition of residential accommodation and replace with 2 single storey extensions, including a new front porch and entrance, a single storey orangery and minor landscaping amendment works. PERMIT.
6.4 SI/18/03379/PA3Q – 63 Street End Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7RG
Class Q application for Prior Approval - Change of use from Agriculture to Dwelling (C3 Use Class).
7. Planning Correspondence and other planning matters.
7.1 Appeal: Land North Of Swan Cottage, Selsey Road, Sidlesham, West Sussex
Provision of new access and vehicle gates. DCLG Ref No: APP/L3815/W/18/3218844.
For information; the PC had not been invited to comment.
7.2 A member of the public raised the Application for a stable block on land on the corner of Keynor Lane and the B2145. He pointed out that electricity has been installed, but not water. A gate has been installed on the B2145 but there has never been and should not be access to the B2145. The Applicant still has 2 Appeals outstanding. It was noted that neighbouring properties had not been consulted on the Application by CDC.
7.3 Hare coursing has been taking place in the parish and the Clerk was asked to write to the Police Wildlife Crimes officer to alert them to the problem.
8. Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.
9. Matters of Information.