Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting on 18th September 2019
Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday, 18th September 2019 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane, Sidlesham at 7.00 pm
Members of the Council and the public were informed that the meeting will be recorded.
Present: Mr A Harland, Mrs P Tull, Mr Mellodey, Mrs C Hall, Mr R Ryder, Mr L Ramm, Mrs M Monnington, Mr C Field and Mrs L Gibson-House, Cllr P Montyn (WSCC), Cllr C Purnell (CDC), 8 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
1. Apologies for absence: None
2. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 21st August 2019 to be signed as a correct record. Mr Field proposed and Mrs Hall seconded that the Minutes be signed. All agreed.
3. Declarations by Councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None.
4. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below. None.
5. Confirmation of Decision on Applications discussed on 21st August 2019
5.1 SI/19/02018/TPA – Windward Nursery, Chalk Lane, Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Pollard by 8m (all round) on 10 no. poplar trees within Group, G1 subject to SI/86/00938/TPO.
The Parish Council agreed unanimously to confirm its decision to raise no objection to the above Planning Application.
6. New Planning Application for Discussion
6.1 SI/19/02066/DOM - 51 Manhood Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LT
Loft conversion with rear facing dormer, single storey rear extension and alterations to fenestration.
No objection. Unanimous decision.
6.1 SI/19/02156/PA3Q - Willowdene Fletchers Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Prior Approval - change of use from agriculture to 1 no. dwelling house (C3 Us Class).
The PC objects to this Application. It is built on the site of a greenhouse. Sidlesham PC believes it has established with CDC Planning Department that greenhouses do not have the structural integrity suitable for conversion. All agreed.
6.2 SI/19/02157/PA3Q - 37 Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex
Prior approval change of use of agricultural building to 1 no. dwelling house.
The PC objects to this Application. The agricultural building is structurally unsuitable for conversion. All agreed.
6.3 SI/19/02242/DOM - The Cottage Chichester Road Sidlesham PO20 7PY
Removal of existing front Porch with flat roof. Replace Front Porch with larger version also to include a pitched roof that continues over the existing kitchen flat roof.
No objection. All agreed.
7. Planning Decisions
7.1 SI/19/01162/DOM - Landseer House 13 Cow Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LN
Single storey extension to North-West elevation and First floor extension over existing ground floor rooms to East elevation. PERMIT.
7.2 SI/19/01731/LBC - Highleigh Pound Highleigh Road Sidlesham PO20 7QP
Replacement of 4 no. existing sash windows (like for like). PERMIT.
7.3 SI/19/01704/FUL - 63 Street End Lane Sidlesham PO20 7RG
Erection of 1no. custom/self build dwellings - Alternative to dwelling permitted by virtue of Class Q Prior Approval for Change of Use from Agriculture to Class C3 (Dwellinghouse) under SI/18/03379/PA3Q.
7.4 SI/19/01889/PA3Q - 15 Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LW
Proposed Change of Use of an existing agricultural building to 1no dwellinghouse (Use Class C3).
8. Planning Correspondence and other planning matters.
8.1 Camping in field to rear of The Shutters, Selsey Road.
The Clerk had received notification from Enforcement; it had investigated the matter and there are no longer caravans on the site.
8.2 Printing of plans for Planning Committee Meetings.
Councillors would like the Clerk to continue to print off drawings relating to Planning Applications and deliver those with their meeting information pack.
9. Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting. None
10. Matters of Information. None