Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting on 18th October 2017
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Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting on 18th October 2017

Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday 18th October 2017 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane, Sidlesham at 7.00 pm

Members of the Council and the public were informed that the meeting will be recorded.

Present:  Mr P Bedford (Chairman), Mrs C Ranjbar, Mr A Harland, Mrs U Pearce, Dr F Lewis, Mr M Mellodey, Mrs C Hall, Mrs M Monnington, 64 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.

1.           Apologies for absence:  Mrs D Pound
2.      Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 20th September 2017 to be signed as a correct record. Mr Mellodey proposed and Mrs Monnington seconded the proposal.  6 agreed with 2 abstentions.
3.    Declarations by Councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None
4.    Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.  None
5.    Confirmation of Application Discussed on 20th September 2017
5.1    SI/17/02510/FUL - Red Barn Selsey Road Sidlesham Chichester
New external cladding, new windows and doors, replacement profiled metal sheeting on roof with Kingspan insulated curved roof panels, and insertion of roof lights in roof. External changes to building permitted under Class P Prior Approval for Change of Use from Class B8 (Storage) to Class C3 (Dwellinghouse) under SI/17/00882/PA3P.
The PC had serious concerns regarding foul drainage in that area and, in addition, problems related to access to the B2145;   one more dwelling will exacerbate those problems.  The PC expressed concern that land to the front of the building could have the potential for the building to double in size.  The building will be highly visible from the public highway and suggested that screening be planted on the highway boundary.  The PC has no objection to changes to the building.  Decision confirmed unanimously.
5.2    SI/17/02639/ELD - 36 Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Use of land and buildings for B1(c) purposes. O.S. Grid Ref. 485121/97682
The PC has no concerns with the ELD but would restrict its use to B1(c ) and would ask CDC to consider removing the permitted development right to change the use from light industrial to residential as the council would not wish to see another residence on this site.  Decision confirmed unanimously.
6.    New Planning Application for Discussion
6.1    SI/17/02717/FUL - The Birches Selsey Road Sidlesham PO20 7NF
Erection of 1 no. 3 bed dwelling - alternative to planning permission SI/17/01677/FUL.
The PC maintains its view that the original building was unsuitable for conversion.  However, it has no objection to the design of the new building but were concerned by the ‘fallback position’ made by this application allowing a complete new building may set a precedent for other sites. All agreed.
6.2    SI/17/01292/LBC & SI/17/01293/DOM Easton Farmhouse Easton Lane Sidlesham PO20 7NU
Extension to north, east and west elevations, internal layout alterations, demolition of existing outbuilding and garage, replacement garage, new car-port and pergola
The Parish Council had no objection to the amended plans.  All agreed.
6.3    SI/17/02640/FUL - Land At Junction Of Keynor Lane And Selsey Road Sidlesham West Sussex
Change of use of land from agricultural land for stationing of caravans for residential purposed by 3 no. gypsy-traveller families, with associated utility building, hard standing, widened gateway, landscaping and access.  O.S. Grid Ref. 485659/97768
The PC considered this application at its planning meeting on the 18th October and unanimously voted to object to the development. The 65 plus parishioners who attended the meeting also fully endorsed this position.

In reaching this decision the council was aware of the overall context of the gypsy and traveller site’s provision issues and particularly the requirement placed on the District and County Council to meet a 5yr forward supply of pitches.  At the meeting, it was reported that CDC can now meet this requirement and in doing so the presumption in favour of development, albeit often on a temporary consent basis, was not an overriding consideration in determining this application as might otherwise have been the case if a shortfall still existed.  On that basis, the council has looked at the application in the context of the six criteria as set out in Policy 36 of the Local Plan, all of which have to be met.

Criteria1 - whilst the site is close to a primary school it fails to benefit from any other local services or facilities. It is noted that one of the families has two children of primary school age (9 and 5yrs) who may attend Sidlesham PS but it is likely they are registered at their local school in Birdham and, for continuity, might be expected to continue at that school.

A regular bus service (Route 51) has stops within walking distance of the site but access to services and facilities in either Selsey or Chichester involve costly travel and are subject to delay during summer months due to congestion and other hold ups throughout the year on the heavily trafficked and only access road to both locations on the B2145. The overall sustainability of the site’s location for the proposed use is questionable.

Criteria 2- the Keynor Lane/B2145 junction is heavily used, providing access to the school, numerous and an increasingly diverse range of businesses along with residential property. It is also a cut through route to the west into Bracklesham and the Witterings and the only diversion route for the B2145 if it becomes blocked. Although subject to a speed limit, (30mph) much higher vehicle speeds are experienced from all types of vehicle; some are large commercial lorries and vans together with an increasing number of articulated vehicles.

The applicant indicates that the entrance gate will be widened. However, the existing gate has only ever been used as a field entrance and then only on a very infrequent basis with very limited traffic movements. The proposed uses indicate nine vehicle parking places and no doubt other vehicles will be using the site in connection with the horse business etc. Whilst the field entrance in the existing gate position may have functioned adequately, the increase in use that can now be expected must raise doubt over safety. The entrance offers virtually no safe visibility to the west with a blind corner outside Muttons Farm House. Moving the entrance east would place it in close proximity to the junction and create further problems. As mentioned above, the speed of traffic would also greatly add to the potential hazard.

Pedestrian movement at the junction and in the top end of Keynor Lane is difficult as the footpath is not continuous and switches from one side of the road to the other. A large number of primary school pupils are based in and around Manhood Lane/Mill Lane and walk to school - Safe Route to School designation - any increased traffic movement at this end of Keynor Lane, especially exactly at the point children have to cross from one side of the road to the other should be avoided.

Although the applicant now indicates connection to the main sewer passing through the site rather than cesspits, it should be noted that this sewer is the private connection of Muttons Farm House (objectors to the application) and therefore unlikely to be available for a connection.

A high-pressure water main (main service to Selsey) passes through the site and an easement exists that would prohibit any development over and to an area each side of this main. The line of this pipe would appear to pass through the area proposed for the location of the pitches and would therefore necessitate a revised layout.
Overall, no main services currently directly service the site and connections would involve relatively long runs and be costly.

In terms of site topography, its corner location make it very visible and significant within the overall streetscape. The parish is typified by groups of buildings interspersed with open areas that form a break in any appearance of ‘ribbon development’.

The open field at the corner of Keynor Lane and the Selsey Road forms an important visual break enabling open views west and north into mainly open land. As such, to preserve the area’s character its openness should be retained.

Criteria 3- Muttons Farm House - a Grade II early 19c building - is a significant and important building and its integrity and character are enhanced and protected by its relatively isolated position with open land around it. This point has been recognised by the current owners in their acquisition of surrounding land. The proposed development would introduce an intensive land use consisting of a group of buildings, parked vehicles and activity adjoining the listed building.

The development, mainly due to the relative elevation of adjoining property, would be very visible from them and from all sides on the adjoining land and public highway.

Equally, the relatively high concentration of people represented by three families living in close proximity with many of their activities conducted out of doors will have the potential to create noticeable acoustic disturbance in what is essentially a tranquil/quiet location.

Both for those within the site and residents surrounding it the amenity of both parties will be materially affected by the interaction of the activities each will undertake and potential for conflict becomes apparent where passive and more active uses occur in close proximity.

Criteria 4 - not within a designated area.

Criteria 5- the junction of Keynor Lane and Selsey Road and the NE corner of the site are within Flood Zones 2/3. Keynor Lane and the surrounding area have been subject to extensive flooding with Keynor Lane at times becoming almost impassable for cars. Extensive works utilising Operation Watershed and WSCC highways has greatly reduced the problem but the area receives large quantities of ground water and is on the gradient of water that eventually drains into Pagham Harbour. Work undertaken on the ditch system immediately adjoining the site to the north is intended to intercept water travelling south but in order for Keynor Lane not to flood it is essential that the existing open land remains capable of acting as an attenuation area. Crucial to this is the proposed development site where any decrease in the porosity of the area could result in a reoccurrence of flooding problems.

Criteria 6- the parish already has a disproportionately high level of sites for the gypsy/traveller and showman communities. These include long established official sites, e.g. Jury Lane and illegal sites, e.g. Ham Road and other locations. The parish, as stated above, is characterised by many small-scale parcels of land many of which are adjacent to the highway. These sites are joined by upwards of 120 ex LSA 4ac holdings. Should this site be given permission there is a danger of a precedent, not withstanding each site being considered on its individual merits, being established that would make many more locations vulnerable to potential occupation.

A concentration of the gypsy and traveller sites in one location would be detrimental to the local amenity and to the gypsy and traveller communities themselves.

In addition to the criteria in Policy 36, as stated in para 17.3 of the Local Plan, the need to meet gypsy and traveller accommodation should be treated as any other housing need. Should this site be considered as for  ‘other ‘ housing need it would meet the restriction on development contained in Policy 2 ’ - Rest of the Plan Area - that would limit development that requires a countryside location, meets an essential local rural need or supports rural diversification.

Whist one of the families is engaged in the horse trade that requires a countryside location to support the grazing needs, it is apparent that such a use does not require an onsite presence- there are horses grazing on the site at present without onsite support and one of the families currently has 24 animals spread throughout the area that one must assume are on land predominantly without the support of residential accommodation. The PC contends that the proposed development is essentially residential accommodation and as such would not be supported in normal circumstances.
6.4    SI/17/02832/TCA - : Lackers, Mill Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7NA
Notification of intention to remove 1 no. branch on 1 no. Oak tree overhanging on
neighbouring boundary.
No objection.  All agreed.
7.    Planning Decisions
7.1    SI/17/01972/DOM - Barn Cottage Highleigh Road Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7NR Loft conversion including rear dormer.  PERMIT
7.2      SI/17/02324/DOM - Dolphin Cottage  Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LU
A two storey rear extension to replace a single storey extension and UPVC conservatory plus internal modifications. Minor amendment to previously approved application SI/17/00476/DOM.  PERMIT
7.2      SI/17/02601/FUL - The Cottage Chichester Road Sidlesham Common Chichester PO20 7PY Domestic outbuilding and driveway and change of use of land to domestic private garden land for use in conjunction with The Cottage.  PERMIT
7.3    SI/17/02212/DOM - Meadowview Jury Lane Sidlesham Common PO20 7PX   Rear extension, side extension and front extension. Raise height of roof. Front and rear dormers. Demolish existing garage, store and conservatory.  PERMIT
7.4    SI/17/02387/FUL - Willowdene Fletchers Lane Sidlesham PO20 7QG
Change of use of an existing agricultural building to 1 no. dwellinghouse and erection of pitched roofs over flat roofed parts of building (Use Class C3). An alternative to permission SI/15/00489/COUPMB.  PERMIT WITH S106
8.       Planning Correspondence and other planning matters.
8.1     SI/17/03019/TCA - Shotford Manor House Mill Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Notification of intention to trim back to old wound points on 1 no. Poplar Tree.
No objection.  This decision will be confirmed at the November Parish Council Meeting.
8.1     LSA Agricultural Buildings Conversions.  New legislation is to be incorporated into the document.  The document will be circulated to councillors before it is presented to CDC.
8.2     17/00502/DOM – Jalna, Jury Lane.
The PC accepts that the point on which it objected to the application, no longer applies as CDC have determined an existing residential uses exists on the site.  It therefore withdraws its objection.
8.3     Enforcement Decision - Hatchers, Sidlesham - Erection of a fence adjacent to highway.
A breach of planning control has been identified.  However, CDC reported that having assessed the development undertaken, i.e., clearance of overgrown vegetation, removal of existing fencing, the distance the replacement fence is set back and the removal of encroachment of vegetation across the entrance to Hatchers and The Granary, CDC considers that there is no impact on highway safety. It is also noted that the fence has been stained green, set back against the remaining vegetation, and the vegetation removed does not constitute ancient hedgerow. CDC advised that a replacement hedge is to be planted forward of the fence which is adjacent to the highway
8.3     SI/17/02872/PA3Q - Prior Approvals - 11 Cow Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7LN Proposed change of use from Agriculture to 1 no. Dwelling (C3 Use Class).  For information.
9.         Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.
10.     Matters of Information
