Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting on 17th October 2018
Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday 17th October 2018 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane, Sidlesham at 7.00 pm
Members of the Council and the public were informed that the meeting will be recorded.
Present: Mr P Bedford (Chairman), Mr M Mellodey, Mrs C Ranjbar, Dr F Lewis, Mrs M Monnington, Mr R Ryder and Mrs C Hall, Cllr P Tull and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
1. Apologies for absence: Mr A Harland and Mrs U Pearce
2. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 19th September 2018 to be signed as a correct record.
Mrs Hall proposed and Dr Lewis seconded that the minutes be signed. 6 agreed with 1 abstention.
3. Declarations by Councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None
4. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
4.1 Mr Bedford referred to the note he had circulated giving the PC’s position on agricultural conversions. Mr Bedford will draft a final statement which he will circulate before it is submitted to CDC. He was asked to include the fact that these new houses are in inappropriate positions and their commercial value means they are not available to first time buyers.
5. Confirmation of Applications discussed at Meeting on 19th September 2018
5.1 SI/18/02314/PA3Q - Land West Of 63, Street End Lane, Sidlesham, West Sussex
Proposal: Part 3 (Class Q) Application for Prior Approval - Change of use from 1 no. Agricultural building to 1 no. Dwellings (C3 Use Class).
The PC had no objection to this application. However, it reiterates its presumption against the change of use of agricultural buildings that it considers inappropriate for conversion. It considers that the increasing desire of applicants to subsequently demolish and completely rebuild such buildings reinforces this view about inappropriateness in the first place.
The PC has no objection to the redesign and improvement of the building once approved for conversion. It will also normally support where within the agreed legislation and current rulings on ‘fall back’, the building of a new replacement structure, where it can be demonstrated that this represents a building of better design, construction and contributes to the overall amenity and quality of a particular location. Approved Unanimously.
5.2 SI/18/02337/FUL - The Granary, Mill Lane, Sidlesham, PO20 7LX
Construction of an all-weather porous tennis court, on the site of the former grass tennis court, surrounded by a 2.75m high green chain link fenced enclosure.
The PC had no objection to this application. Approved unanimously
5.3 SI/18/02348/FUL – 79 Fletchers Lane, Sidlesham, PO20 7QG
Proposal: Erection of 1no. 3bed custom/self build dwelling - Alternative to dwelling permitted planning permission SI/17/01148/FUL
The PC had no objection to the new design of the building. However, it reiterates its presumption against the change of use of agricultural buildings that it considers inappropriate for conversion. It considers that the increasing desire of applicants to subsequently demolish and completely rebuild such buildings does reinforce this view about inappropriateness in the first place.
The PC has no objection to the redesign and improvement of the building once approved for conversion. It will also normally support where within the agreed legislation and current rulings on ‘fall back’, the building of a new replacement structure, where it can be demonstrated that this represents a building of better design, construction and contributes to the overall amenity and quality of a particular location. Approved Unanimously.
6. New Planning Application for Discussion
6.1 SI/18/02377/FUL - Tony Partridge Autos, Zsaras Yard, Highleigh Road, Sidlesham
Retrospective continuation of use for land for the stationing of a residential static caravan for occupation by an employee of Tony Partridge Autos.
The PC had no objection in principle to the caravan but would like the consent to be temporary for a period of 3 years. All agreed
6.2 SI/18/01899/DOM - Keynor Cottage Keynor Lane Sidlesham PO20 7NL
Single storey side extension.
No objection. Unanimous decision.
6.3 SI/18/02346/FUL - Annexe Ivy Grange Keynor Lane Sidlesham
Change use of storage space within garage building to ancillary habitable accommodation to the main house inc alterations, to be additionally used as seasonal tourist holiday let.
The PC had no objection to this Planning Application on condition that the building will remain subsidiary to the main house and will not be sold as a separate unit. All agreed.
6.4 SI/18/02415/FUL - Longreach 14A Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Erection of cattle barn. O.S. Grid Ref. 484888/96869
The PC requested further clarification on the Application. The Council would like an agricultural adviser’s assessment of the viability of a plot of just over 2.5 acres being able to sustain cattle farming. All agreed.
6.5 SI/18/02468/FUL - 89 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham PO20 7QG
Erection of 1 no. self build 3 bed bungalow - alternative to planning permission SI/18/00875/FUL for change of use from agriculture to 1 no. dwelling (C3 Use Class) and erection of pitched roofs over building - Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission SI/18/01844/FUL - change approved drawings 16D and 17 to 16F and 17C.
The PC had no objection to these alterations. All agreed.
6.6 SI/18/02517/ELD - 62 Street End Lane Sidlesham PO20 7RG
Existing lawful development certificate for the use of the site (shown in red on location plan) as a single C3 dwelling house with ancillary garden land, outbuildings, pedestrian/vehicle access and hardstanding.
No objection. All agreed.
6.7 SI/18/02069/DOM - The Poplars , Mill Lane, Sidlesham, PO20 7LU
Proposed demolition of conservatory and sub-standard first floor bathroom extension; new
side extension; first floor extension; rear bay window; new pitched roof over existing garage; re-roofing of
house; new double glazed timber windows & doors; alterations to front boundary wall to form new in-out
The PC has no object to the proposed building. However, it reiterated its request that the applicant replant sympathetic screening, where possible, along the frontage to maintain the character of the road.
6.8 SI/18/02590/DOM & SI/18/02591/LBC - Highleigh Pound , Highleigh Road, Sidlesham, PO20 7QP
Replacement porches on east and west elevation and window replacement.
No objection. All agreed.
7. Planning Decisions
7.1 SI/18/01844/FUL - 89 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham PO20 7QG
Erection of 1 no. self build 3 bed bungalow - alternative to planning permission SI/18/00875/FUL for change of use from agriculture to 1 no. dwelling (C3 Use Class) and erection of pitched roofs over building.
7.2 SI/18/00691/FUL - Gatehouse Nursery 88 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham PO20 7QG
Erection of 1 no. 3 bed dwelling - alternative to Class Q Prior Approval SI/17/03460/PA3Q for Change of Use from Agriculture to 1 no. 3 bed Dwelling (C3 Use Class). PERMIT WITH S106
7.3 SI/18/02061/PLD - Hope Cottage Highleigh Road Sidlesham PO20 7NR
Proposed lawful development certificate for a single storey outbuilding. PERMIT
8. Planning Correspondence and other planning matters.
8.1 SI/18/02660/PA1A - 67 Street End Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7RG
Single storey extension to the rear (a) rear extension - 5.68m (b) maximum height - 3.9m (c)
height of eaves - 2.5m.
No objection. All agreed.
8.1 The clerk had circulated the Planning Inspectorate’s decision on the Appeal on land adjacent to Ham Road. The decision was upheld and the applicant must remove all caravans, mobile homes and septic tank from the site within one year.
8.3 The Clerk had received a request from CDC for Sidlesham’s CIL report. She will complete the form and submit to CDC.
9. Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting. None
10. Matters of Information. None.