Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting on 16th September 2020
Minutes of Sidlesham Parish Council Planning Committee Meeting on
Wednesday, 16th September 2020 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.00 pm
All members of the Council and the public were informed that the meeting will be recorded.
Present: Mr A Harland (Chairman), Mr M Mellodey, Mr C Field, Mrs P Tull, Mr L Ramm, Mrs C Hall, Mrs M Monnington, Mrs L Gibson-House, 4 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
1. Apologies for absence: Mr R Ryder, Cllr P Montyn (WSCC), Cllr C Purnell (CDC), Cllr D Johnson (CDC).
2. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 26th August 2020 to be signed as a correct record. Mrs Tull proposed and Mr Mellodey seconded that the Minutes be signed. All agreed.
3. Declarations by Councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None
4. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below: None.
5. New Planning Application for Discussion
5.1 SI/20/01330/FUL - Land Adjacent To Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Change of use of land to traveller’s caravan site consisting of 2 no. pitches each containing 1 no. mobile home and ancillary development (re-submission of 19/02876/FUL).
The PC objects to the Application. It is an inappropriate development in a Horticultural Designated Area and would result in overdevelopment in this historic area of Land Settlement Association properties. Sidlesham has had several applications for gypsy traveller sites and it feels that it is developing a disproportionate concentration of such sites. It already has over 10% of gypsy traveller plots in Chichester District.
Chalk Lane is a narrow, windy, private road (in places only 3.1m wide) and unsuitable for long, high sided vehicles. The lane and drive would create congestion and would not allow for turning or emergency vehicles to access the site. The area already suffers from flooding and if the plot is to be laid to hard standing, this will exacerbate local drainage problems. The PC has serious concerns with regard to expansion at Melita Nursery.
The Clerk was asked to write to Cllr Johnson to ask that she red card the Application. All agree.
5.2 SI/20/02136/DOM - Sally Field Cottage Rotten Row Sidlesham Chichester
Insertion of window at first floor into North and South gables; 2no rooflights on West roof plan; and, 1no rooflight on North roof plane.
No objection. Unanimous decision.
5.3 SI/20/02140/FUL - Sally Field Lodge Rotten Row Sidlesham PO20 7QB
Replace store building with office (amendments to SI/08/04519/FUL) - removal of condition 4 of planning permission SI/09/00237/FUL.
The PC objects to the Application. Planning consent for the office building in 2009 was given with the condition that it not be converted for residential use. The PC maintains its view that the condition be upheld and does not agree to this change of use. All agree.
5.4 SI/20/02072/DOM – Danesacre, Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LX
Retrospective conversion of garage to ancillary annexe accommodation in connection with the residential property Danesacre.
No objection. All agreed.
5.5 SI/20/02176/FUL - South Barn, Willowdene Fletchers Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Erection of 1no 3bed dwelling - alternative to planning permission SI/18/02847/FUL.
Consent for conversion of the barn was granted under PA3Q legislation without consultation with Sidlesham PC. The PC would not have approved that change of use but has no further comment to make on the changes requested to that planning permission.
5.6 SI/20/02191/FUL - North Barn, Willowdene Nursery Fletchers Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Erection of 1no 3bed dwelling - alternative to planning permission SI/18/02847/FUL.
Consent for conversion of the barn was granted under PA3Q legislation without consultation with Sidlesham PC. The PC would not have approved that change of use but has no further comment to make on this change to that planning permission.
5.7 SI/20/02197/DOM – The Old Barn, 14A Chalk Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, PO20 7LW
Erection of double garage and store with home office within loft area. Amended design to permissions SI/19/03123/DOM and SI/20/01126/DOM.
The PC has no objection to this planning application but would like to add the caveat that the building cannot be converted into a residence or sold as a separate unit.
6. New Planning Decisions
6.1 SI/20/01418/FUL - Longreach 14A Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Replacement B1/B8 unit. REFUSE
6.2 SI/20/01668/PA3Q - 11 Cow Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LN
Proposed change of use of 2 existing sheds from Agriculture to 2 no Dwellings. WITHDRAWN.
6.3 SI/20/00434/FUL - The Fairways Brimfast Lane Sidlesham PO20 7PZ
Removal of existing building granted prior approval for change of use to C3 dwelling houses under 19/00757/PA3P and existing stable / storage building, and erection of a single storey new build dwelling and detached car port.. PERMIT WITH S106.
6.4 SI/20/01730/LBC - Highleigh Pound Highleigh Road Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7QP
Replacement porch. PERMIT.
6.5 SI/20/01108/DOM - El-Es-Ay Keynor Lane Sidlesham PO20 7NL
Two storey side extension. PERMIT
7. Matters of urgent public importance.
7.1 Request from CDC to reconsider:
SI/20/01383/FUL - 62 Street End Lane Sidlesham PO20 7RG
Conversion 2 no. ancillary outbuildings to allow for flexible C3 ancillary use or 2 no. 2 bed tourist units.
In the light of a further structural report, the PC agreed to withdraw its objection to the planning application.
7.2 SI/20/02252/PA3Q – 11 Cow Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7LN
Prior approval to Change use of together with building operations necessary to convert agricultural building to dwelling (C3).
The PC has no comment to make on this application. It maintains its opposition to the large number of conversions of agricultural buildings in the area. This decision will be confirmed at the 21st October 2020 Planning Committee Meeting.
7.3 SI/20/01377/ELD – Deanhome Nursery, Keynor Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, PO20 7NL
Mobile home.
The PC objects to this Application. No evidence accompanied the application to support the applicant’s claim that the mobile home has been in use for 4 years. This decision will be confirmed at the 21st October 2020 Planning Committee Meeting.
8. Matters of Information.
8.1 The owner of Butskiln and his architect attended the meeting to explain their proposal for a new house on the land for which they hope to obtain consent under Paragraph 79 of the National Planning Policy Framework. Paragraph 79 allows new homes to be built in the countryside where they are of exceptional quality of design. The building would be ecologically sustainable and use the most modern, local materials to make it environmentally efficient. The new house would replace 2 existing greenhouses in poor condition. The plot of land would be split and the existing house sold in order to fund the new build. The PC suggested that the applicant discuss their proposal with CDC.
Meeting closed 8.25.