MINUTES of Planning Committee Meeting 18th April 2018
Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday 18th April 2018 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane, Sidlesham at 7.00
Members of the Council and the public were informed that the meeting will be recorded.
Present: Mrs P Bedford (Chairman), Mrs C Ranjbar, Mrs U Pearce, Mrs C Hall and Dr F Lewis, 2 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
1. Apologies for absence: Mr M Mellodey, Mr A Harland, Mrs M Monnington, Cllr P Tull (CDC)
2. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 21st March 2018 to be signed as a correct record. Mrs C Ranjbar proposed and Mr Bedford seconded the proposal. 2 agreed and 2 abstained.
3. Declarations by Councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None
4. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below:
4.1 Keynor Lane caravan site application.
No decision has been made by CDC. Cllr Tull had informed the Clerk that CDC has transferred the case to a new Case Officer and a decision is expected soon. The decision now appears to centre on the eligibility of the travellers wishing to move to the site. WSCC Highways have inspected the new entrance on the B2145. Their view was that unless there is evidence that the entrance has been used, so crossing Highway land, no action will be taken. Mr Bedford recommended that the Clerk write to CDC again requesting an update on the situation.
4.2 Hatchers, Sidlesham Common.
Hatchers applied for, and was granted, retrospective Planning Consent , against the Conservation Officer’s recommendation, for the fence and groundwork on Common Land. The Clerk had obtained legal advice from Surrey Hills Solicitors and forwarded that advice to the District Solicitor asking that CDC reassess their decision, taking into account the advice governing common land. The Clerk did not receive a reply. The Clerk had then written to the Planning Inspectorate who advised that the PC could take out an injunction against the applicant. Mr Bedford suggested that the Clerk write to Natural England and CPRE to obtain their opinions on this case.
4.3 Glasshouse conversions. The PC has received a reply from CDC Planning to say that glasshouses are permanent buildings and therefore eligible for Prior Approval conversion. Discussions on their suitability for conversion do however continue.
5. Confirmation of Planning Decisions made at Meeting on 21st March.
5.1 SI/18/00620/DOM - Fairleigh Selsey Road Sidlesham Chichester
Loft conversion with dormers, front porch and first floor extension.
No objection. Unanimous decision.
6. New Planning Application for Discussion
6.1 SI/18/00768/FUL - 83 Fletchers Lane, Sidlesham PO20 7QG
Erection of chicken shed. O.S. Grid Ref. 484610/99238.
The PC object to this application. The shed would be too close to the road but might be more appropriate if sited towards the rear of the plot of land. All agreed.
6.2 SI/18/00691/FUL - Gatehouse Nursery, 88 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham PO20 7QG
Erection of 1 no. 3 bed dwelling - alternative to Class Q Prior Approval SI/17/03460/PA3Q for Change of Use from Agriculture to 1 no. 3 bed Dwelling (C3 Use Class).
The PC object to the application on the grounds that part of the land enclosed by the red line on the site plan is agricultural. The PC considered that a further application for change of use from agricultural to residential on the land outside the hatched area and within the red line, should be a separate Planning Application by the applicant. The building appears to have moved and is, in SPC’s view, inappropriate for conversion. All agreed.
6.3 SI/18/00780/ELD - Bushby, 68 Street End Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, PO20 7RG
Use of land and building for B8 storage purposes.
The PC has no objection to this application but would like the caveat that the building will not be converted to residential use. All agreed.
6.4 SI/18/00748/FUL - 85 Fletchers Lane, Sidlesham, PO20 7QG
Variation of condition 2 of permission SI/16/03508/FUL. Amendments to openings and
fenestration on all elevations. Increase the size of gables. Remove windows to east elevation.
The PC has no objection to the amendments but is concerned that the residential curtilage is in excess of what is permitted under the Prior Consent. All agreed.
7. Planning Decisions
7.1 SI/17/03281/DOM - Dolphin Cottage Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LU
A two storey rear extension to replace a single storey extension and UPVC conservatory plus internal modifications. Amendment to previously approved application SI/17/02324/DOM. PERMIT.
7.2 SI/17/03449/FUL - Land East Of 83 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham West Sussex
Erection of field shelter and creation of new field access onto Boxham Lane. PERMIT
7.3 SI/17/03519/FUL - Highleigh Lodge Highleigh Road Sidlesham PO20 7NR
Retrospective change of use of outbuilding permitted for studio/gym under SI/14/01505/DOM to self-contained annex for tourist accommodation. PERMIT WITH S106
7.4 SI/17/03656/LBC - Greenwood Farm House Ham Road Sidlesham Chichester PO20 7NX
Link between roofs and x 4 no. roof lights. PERMIT.
7.5 SI/17/02856/ELD - Greatham Cottages Ham Road Sidlesham West Sussex
Existing lawful development certificate for use of outbuildings as a self-contained accommodation unit. REFUSE
7.6 SI/17/03417/FUL - Chalk Lane Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Erection of 1 no. 3 bed self-build dwelling - alternative to SI/16/04105/FUL for change of use of building to dwelling and erection of pitched roofs over flat roof parts of building. PERMIT WITH S106.
8. Planning Correspondence and other planning matters.
8.1 SI/18/00679/PA3Q - Heaton Farms Ltd, Greatham Farm Ham Road Sidlesham Chichester
Change use of Agricultural building to 2 no. Dwelling (C3 Use Class).
9. Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.
10. Matters of Information.
10.1 The National Planning Policy Framework Consultation. Mr Bedford will study the document and draft a response to be circulated.
Tessa MacIntyre (Clerk to Sidlesham Parish Council)