Minutes of Planning Committee 18th November - 31st December 2020
18th November 2020 – 31 December 2020
Sidlesham Parish Council Planning Committee was unable to meet in the usual way in the Church Hall due to Covid 19 Restrictions. It communicated by email and reached the following decisions. These decisions will be ratified at the Parish Council Meeting held by Zoom on Wednesday 20th January.
Confirmation of Planning Decisions made on 21st October 2020
3.1 SI/20/02605/DOM - 25 Chalk Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7LW
Single storey rear extension and first floor extension over existing rear single storey extension.
No objection.
- Confirmation of Planning Decisions made on 18th November 2020
4.1 SI/20/02252/PA3Q - 11 Cow Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7LN
Prior approval to Change use of together with building operations necessary to convert agricultural building to dwelling (C3).
No objection.
4.2 SI/20/02706/DOM - Hope Cottage, Highleigh Road Sidlesham PO20 7NR
Widen and replace existing driveway gate and replace 1 no. pedestrian gate (both replacement gates to be 2.0m high).
The Parish Council objects to the Application. The proposed gates would be out of character in this rural setting and the existing 5 barred gate should be retained.
4.3 SI/20/02735/ELD - Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Application for a certificate of existing lawful development for construction and use of a building as a single dwelling-house falling with use class C3.
The PC objects to the Application. The Application is not supported by any written evidence from 3rd parties that it has been inhabited.
4.4 SI/20/02541/FUL - Annabel Barns Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Single storey extension to existing office and storage building, including installation of solar photovoltaic panels and 3 no. additional parking spaces.
The Parish Council has no objection to the Application on condition that a caveat is added to state that working hours cease on Saturdays at 12 pm and no working on Sundays.
4.5 SI/20/02869/PA3Q - 64 Street End Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7RG
Class Q (b) application for prior approval - change of use of agricultural building from agriculture to 1 no. dwelling (C3 use class).
The Parish Council objects to the application. It believes that the existing building is too fragile to be incorporated into a new home. The PC would like a building inspector to look at the shed and comment on its structural integrity before a decision is made.
- Confirmation of Planning Decisions made on 16th December 2020
5.1 SI/20/02843/PA20ZA - Green Lane Piggeries Ham Road Sidlesham Chichester
Prior Approval for demolition of Class B1(c) (Light Industrial) and construction of new dwelling house in its place.
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. The Council objects to this application. This is a commercial site and if built the proposed house would be sited in the midst of other run down commercial premises, and it would be very closely surrounded by the remaining commercial buildings, and would lack a proper domestic curtilage and therefore would not be a suitable site for a domestic house. The site is also in Flood Zone 3, and we would refer the planners to the Traveller site close by in Ham Road which also fell foul of the potential flooding events.
5.2 SI/20/02785/ELD - Jardene Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Use of land and building for B1 and B8 purposes.
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. The council raises no objection to this ELD application, but seeks that a condition should be raised that the building could not be turned into a domestic property at some future time.
5.3 SI/20/02926/PA20ZA - Building 2, South Of Tony Partridge Autos Highleigh Road Sidlesham
Prior Approval of proposed demolition of Class B1(c) (light industrial) building and construction of replacement new dwelling house.
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. Whereas the council would normally object to the conversion of this commercial property into a domestic property, it has sympathy with the applicant who is continuing to run a long time successful auto garage business inherited from his late father in the adjoining site. However it is still of the opinion that this application is against the local policy, and so on balance it objects to the application.
5.4 SI/20/02566/FUL - 3 And 4 Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Erection of 2 no. replacement single storey dwellings and car ports.
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. The council was disappointed to see that the planners permitted the recent ELD applications bearing in mind that the properties largely consisted of mobile homes. However in the circumstances it raises no objection to the current applications.
5.5 SI/20/02923/ELD - Longreach 14A Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Erection of 1 no. dwelling.
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. The Council objects to this application. No evidence has been provided to support the claim that the property has been occupied domestically. We also note that the Environment Agency objects to the application as no risk assessment has been filed.
5.6 SI/20/02921/DOM & SI/20/02922/LBC - Old Malt House, Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LX
Proposed glazed veranda and link with alterations including replacement windows and access ramps.
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. The council notes that the existing recent extensions were approved by the CDC’s listed building officer, and therefore raises no objection to the further building works on the same basis.
5.7 20/02956/DOC Entrance to Gypsy site on field situated off Keynor Lane (and fronting Selsey Road)
This application has been made in compliance with the Appeal Inspector’s decision and in particular covering the access onto the site from Keynor Lane (conditions 4 & 5)
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. It objects to this application. Firstly it believes that the proposed entrance is too close to the bend fronted by Muttons Farmhouse which as shown on current plan it considers presents a danger to traffic proceeding towards the main Selsey Road from Highleigh, and should be located centrally between Muttons Farmhouse and the Selsey main road to lessen that risk. Secondly it objects to the brick structures proposed at the entrance which are in conflict with the rural ambience of the site, and therefore seeks that a post and rail fencing and gate should be installed. As the works have now started before a planning decision has been made, in contravention of Conditions 4 & 5 as laid down by the Government Inspector in his ruling dated 12.09.19 we seek that a visit from the enforcement officer should be made to halt any further construction work until a planning decision has been agreed. The council also seeks an agreement that the present hedging be replaced by a suitable natural hedge as opposed to non native laurel as has been used at the other entrance to this field by the Telephone Exchange/stable buildings off the Selsey Road which is subject to enforcement action.
5.8 20/02491/OUT Land To The West Of Church Road East Wittering
Housing development of 78 mixed housing
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. This application falls outside the Sidlesham Parish boundary, but if built it would have potential repercussions for Sidlesham in respect of transport and more importantly on the serious effect it will have on the Sidlesham Sewage Works which are already fully stretched. For these particular reasons we may wish to add our parish’s objection to this potential housing development, whilst at the same supporting the views expressed by the local parish councils of West Wittering, East Wittering & Bracklesham, and Earnley.
5.9 SI/20/02548/DOM - Dolphin House Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LU (21/12/20)
Erection of a pair of courtyard/driveway gates and 1 no. side pedestrian gate. Demolition of garage wall, boundary fence, replacement with a new brick boundary wall. driveway, pedestrian gate frontage.
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. It objects to this application on the grounds that it would not be sympathetic to the ambience of the street scene in this Conservation Area. It considers that the height of the proposed gates would present an unwelcome and ugly barrier.
5.10 SI/20/03049/FUL - Red Barn Selsey Road Sidlesham PO20 7NE (29/12/20)
Erection of 3 bay garage with loft area above for use as home office. Amended design to planning permission SI/20/02235/FUL
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. It raises no objection, but assumes the height of the proposed alteration will not exceed that of the main domestic building. However the council would like to seek a condition that this ‘block’ if turned into living accommodation at some time in the future would remain subservient to the main domestic building.
6 Confirmation of Planning Decisions made on 24th December 2020
6.1 20/01800/DOM Fairfields, Ham Road
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. It raises no objection.
6.2. 20/02849/DOM Hunters Moon, Highleigh
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. It objects to the application on design grounds. It considers that the planned bulky addition of a 2nd floor in the roof is out of keeping with the style of the rest of the bungalow and the proposed balcony is also out of keeping. The proposals will not fit in with the other neighbouring properties
6.3. 20/03102/PA3Q 79 Fletchers Lane
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. As with the many other applications on LSA sites it objects to the application on the grounds that the relevant legislation was not intended to cover the conversion of horticultural sheds.
6.4. 20/03136/DOM Dawtreys, Mill Lane
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. It raises no objection.
6.5. 20/03159/PA3Q Willowdene Nursery
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. It objects to this application as it seeks to replace a glasshouse which is structurally not capable of being converted into living accommodation using the PA3Q legislation. The council also believes that this is the 4th application for conversion of horticultural structures on this nursery site, and its understanding is that the maximum number is limited to three.
Caroline Mackenzie (Clerk to Sidlesham Parish Council)