Minutes of Planning Committee 12th March 2021
12 March 2021
Sidlesham Parish Council Planning Committee was unable to meet in the usual way in the Church Hall due to Covid 19 Restrictions. It communicated by email and reached the following decisions. These decisions will be ratified at the Parish Council Meeting held by Zoom on Wednesday 17th March 2021.
Confirmation of Planning Decisions made on 12th March 2021
- 21/00095/DOM 83 Fletchers Lane
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. The council raises no objection to this application.
- 21/00333/PA3Q - 64 Street End Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. This is the 2nd application for conversion of LSA sheds on this ex LSA site (see 20/02869/PA3Q). The parish council objects to the application on the same basis; it believes that the existing building is too fragile to be incorporated into a new home. The PC would like a CDC building inspector to look at the shed and comment on its structural integrity before a decision is made.
- 21/00376/PA3Q - 14 Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. There have been several applications covering the whole of the site edged in red. The parish council objects to this application on the ground that no surveyor’s report has been attached, so it is not clear whether the 2 units are structurally sound for conversion under the PA3Q legislation.
- 21/00394/PA3Q - Land West of Brickfield Cottages, Rotten Row Sidlesham West Sussex
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. It is aware that the building has lain dormant and roofless for many years and it would not have been suitable to house machinery as claimed in the application. It is also clear that the roof trusses and the modern window frame shown in the photographs are very recent additions, possibly to give the impression that the building has been roofed for ages. The application is not considered to be the change of use of an agricultural building and for this reason the parish council objects to the application.
- 21/00158/FUL - Land East Of 15 Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. The council raises no objection to this application.
- 21/00308/TPA - 32 Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. It cannot see reason to object to this application. It is claimed that these works need to be carried out to avoid contact with high sided vehicles. If correct, the request would seem to be sensible even for these special trees, and for this reason it will leave the decision to the CDC tree officer.
- 21/00355/FUL - Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. This application covers proposed changes to those approved under 20/01802/FUL. The parish council repeats that it has no objection to this Application. It would like the condition that both dwelling and workshop be demolished before work on the new dwelling is started.
- 21/00356/FUL - 3 And 4 Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. This application covers changes in the layout to these 2 properties to those approved under 20/02566/FUL. The council was disappointed to see that the planners permitted the recent ELD applications bearing in mind that the properties largely consisted of mobile homes. However in the circumstances it raises no objection to the revised plans in the current applications
- 21/00397/DOM - Willow House (formely Yeomans) Mill Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. The parish council considers the new roof height would interfere with the neighbouring properties views of the harbour, and would also overlook gardens etc. The application is likely to fall in the Conservation Area. The parish council therefore objects to this new build on the grounds of volume and height.
- SI/20/02858/FUL - Land To The North Of Sunnybrook Highleigh Road Sidlesham PO20 7NN
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. It objects to the application on the basis that it will be in contradiction of policy of no new build. A previous application on the site was turned down, and it does not see that the circumstances have changed.
- 20/03339/FUL Piggery Cottage Anchor Farm 61 Street End Lane Sidlesham
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. The parish council raises no objection to it but would should seek a condition that it will remain ancillary to main house.
- 21/00322/FUL Land South Of Telephone Exchange Selsey Road Sidlesham PO20 7NG
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. The application is a considerable change from the original application (18/01173/FUL) which showed 3 equally sized units spread across the field from the main road to Selsey westwards to house Mr Hughes relatives one of whom has medical problems. The new plan shows the large unit now installed next to the telephone exchange and the stables and then 4 further smaller units to the west. The council objects to this application on the grounds that the level of development represents inappropriate overdevelopment of the site.
The second part of the application covers the entrance onto Keynor Lane. The council objects to this application and requests that the entrance is sited closer to the main road as was shown in the original application 18/01173/FUL, and together with post and rail fencing with a 5 barred gate set back as per original plan. It also insists that the hedging that has been removed is replanted with native species, again as shown in the original application.
The parish council requests that the planners put a condition on the site that will prevent any further units being placed on the site at some time in the future. We believe the planners should take a firm stance, and not allow the treatment of the overall site to snowball as has occurred in Birdham.
Sidlesham Parish Council would like to bring to the attention of the CDC Planning Department the confusion created by the description of this matter. You will see that the same title has been used for both this application and 21/00404/FUL, whereas the two applications do cover different aspects of this site. Previously with one exception the main field matter has had a different title such as “Land South of Recreation Grounds at junction of Keynor Lane”, and we would respectfully ask that this application is re-titled to ensure it is treated separately from the stables and entrance onto the main Selsey Road applications.
- 21/00404/FUL - Land South Of Telephone Exchange Selsey Road Sidlesham PO20 7NG
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. This application seeks to regularise the entrance to the stables next to the telephone exchange and the hedge planted between the entrance and the telephone exchange. The council objects to the current brick gateway and seeks that it is constructed in the form shown on the application 20/00193/DOC “CONDITION 6 - FLOOR PLAN WITH TYPICAL POST & RAIL ELEVATIONS” ie post and rail. It also wishes the laurel hedging to the north of the entrance be replaced with a native species as described in the list provided in “CONDITION 7 - SITE PLAN”, and that all remaining hedges should be native species again as shown in application 18/01173/FUL under the heading DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT “Ecological Issues ”Paragraph 2 Replacement tree planting is proposed and it is proposed to infill and reinforce the existing field side hedgerow with native hedgerow planting”.
- 21/00566/EIA Ferry Farm 3 South, Chichester Road Selsey
Sidlesham Parish Council discussed the above Planning Application electronically. It confirms that it has no objection in principle to the preliminary proposals subject to the views of the RSPB.
Caroline Mackenzie (Clerk to Sidlesham Parish Council)