MINUTES of Parish Council Meeting on 19th September 2018
Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 19th September 2018 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.30pm
Present: Mrs C Ranjbar (Vice-chairman), Mrs C Hall, Mr P Bedford, Mrs U Pearce, Mr R Ryder, Mrs M Monnington and Dr F Lewis, 1 member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
1 Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda. None
2. Apologies for Absence: Mr M Mellodey, Mr A Harland, Cllr P Tull and Cllr P Montyn.
3. Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 18th July 2018 to be signed as a correct record. Mrs Hall proposed and Mrs Ranjbar seconded that the minutes be signed. 4 agreed with 3 abstentions.
5. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below. None.
6. Neighbourhood Plan
The Clerk had written to CDC to enquire if the Consultation Period on the Designated Area, which should have commenced on 27th July 2018, was now complete and work could begin on the project. She was informed that, due to an error by CDC, the Case Officer for the project had left CDC and the Consultation Period had not been initiated. Mr Bedford asked the Clerk to write to those who have volunteered to help with the project and explain the delay. Mr Bedford will write an article for the Sidlesham Parishioner and the Sidlesham Spread.
7. Memorial Playing Field
7.1 Update
A meeting took place on 12th September 2018 between Mr Mellodey, Mr Ryder, Mr Robson (SCA) and three members of Sidlesham Football Club Committee. Notes from the meeting had been circulated to councillors. Mr Ryder explained the purpose of the meeting and the current situation. Mr Robson (a member of the SCA) had been asked by the PC to write a business plan for the community hall project and has been developing a professional plan. The running costs must be covered by rent charged for use of the facilities. The PC has been keen to include Sidlesham Football Club in the development of the project but it was evident from discussions that SFC is unlikely to make a significant contribution to the running costs of the building or land. It was made clear at the meeting that the Memorial Playing Field and the facilities thereon are owned by the PC. It was stated that many football clubs would be happy to use the facilities in exchange for a rent charged per game. SFC has been asked for a response to the following questions within the next 4 weeks when a further meeting will be arranged.
1. What is the position with Chichester City Ladies Football Club and what do they pay for use of the facilities? The PC should take a proportion of income from CCLFC. SFC officers did not know of any financial arrangement with CCLFC but Mr Robson advised that, as members of SFC, the CCLFC is using the facilities under SFC’s authority. A rental of £600 had been agreed between the PC and SFC as payment for CCLFC having access to the facilities. £300 of that rent has been paid. (This had been arranged with the previous Chairman of SFC and those officials at the meeting knew nothing of the arrangement.)
2. Why was the limited company, Sidlesham Football Club Limited, registered with Company’s House but still not operational?
3. Budget – SFC was asked for a budget for the current year, an assessment of future income and expenses and a development plan for the future. SFC said that expenses can be assessed but income is flexible. If SFC had better facilities, they were asked what that could mean for the Club’s income.
4. What is the structure of Sidlesham Football Club, who is on the Committee and who hold which positions.
SFC had been asked to nominate 2 representatives to attend the PC’s Memorial Playing Field Work Group. Mr Rowland and Mr Jewiss were nominated.
Mr Ryder recommended that, after the next meeting with SFC which will be held in 4 weeks’ time, the PC propose a way forward to be discussed at the October PC meeting. Further legal advice may be required.
8. Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
8.1 Selsey/Chichester Commuter cycle route
Mr Bedford reported that the Southern section from Selsey to Pagham has been approved by WSCC to seek funding and this has been submitted to WSCC.
The link to Medmerry, part of the overall Medmerry scheme, has been started and will form part of the overall Greenway; its main purpose is to provide a safe pedestrian/cycle route into Medmerry. A spur route running north past the eastern boundary of Bakers Solar Farm to join the existing cycle path from Birdpond to Chalk Lane is proposed. This will avoid users of the future Greenway being presented with having to enter the B2145 at a dangerous point. The section of the Greenway through Sidlesham and beyond to Chichester is still being negotiated with a direct route now proposed following the line of the B2145 from Birdpond to Keynor Lane and through the recreation ground to Littleton Barn. Negotiations with land owners and properties adjacent to this preferred direct route have yet to be commenced.
8.2 Bus stop north of Lockgate Road
The PC awaits a response from WSCC Highways.
9. Assets and Amenities Workgroup
9.1 Barrier Gate at MPF.
The gate has been repaired.
9.2 Playground fence. Knights Fencing will commence work on replacing the 2nd half of the playground fence on 15th October 2018.
10. Litter
10.1 School Program to raise awareness.
Mrs Hall suggested that she meet with the Headmaster of Sidlesham Primary School to develop a project which will raise awareness of litter amongst the children of the village. She felt that a competition and a prize might be one way to encourage children to focus on the problem.
10.2 Dog bag dispenser at Memorial Playing Field.
The Clerk had circulated a letter from a parishioner requesting that the PC support her application for a dog bag dispenser on the Memorial Playing Field. It was felt that those dog owners who do pick up after their dogs, bring their own bags. The PC feared that a dispenser would become a source of more litter and did not support the proposal.
11. Finance
11.1 Income
11.1.1 Southern Comfort Bike Rally (use of Memorial Playing Field for event) £500.00
11.1.2 Ferry Farm Community Solar (grant for playground fence) £2000.00
11.1.3 CDC (2nd instalment of Precept) £14,813.00
11.2 Payments
11.2.1 Sidlesham Primary School (donation for school prize) £25.00
11.2.2 T MacIntyre (July salary) £521.66
11.2.3 MH Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £258.00
11.2.4 Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group (Operation Watershed grant contribution to Willow Glen drainage work) £5113.00
11.2.5Moore Stephens (annual external audit) £294.00
11.2.6 M H Kennedy & Son (mow Paddock Straight) £129.00
11.2.7 Cathedral Signs (sign for playground fence) £48.00
11.2.8 H B Collins (strim and litter pick) £1123.20
11.2.9 T MacIntyre (August salary) £521.67
11.2.10 D J F Construction (repair barrier gate) £1150.00
Mrs Monnington proposed that items 11.1.1 to 11.2.10 be taken en bloc. Mr Bedford seconded the proposal and all agreed.
12. Reports. None.
13. Correspondence. None
14. Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.
The Clerk was asked to report the footpath from Green Lane towards Highleigh Road which is impassable.
Meeting closed at 9.30 pm