Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 19th June 2019
Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 19th June 2019 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.00pm
Present: Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mr A Harland, Mrs C Hall, Mr R Ryder, Mrs P Tull and Mr L Ramm, Cllr P Montyn (WSCC), 2 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
1 Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda. None
2. Apologies for Absence: Mr C Field and Mrs M Monnington
3. Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None.
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th May 2019 to be signed as a correct record. Mrs Hall proposed and Mr Harland seconded that the minutes be signed. 4 agreed and 2 abstained.
5. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
6. WSCC Councillor
Cllr Montyn has been kept informed on the PC’s proposal to install Speed Indicator Devices (SID) on Paddock Straight using funding from CDC’s New Homes Bonus grant scheme. Cllr Montyn agreed that he would support the scheme and help in any way he could.
Cllr Montyn reported that WSCC engineers are investigating the flooding at Myrtle Cottage on the Selsey Road.
8. Neighbourhood Plan
Mr Ryder reported that he and Mr Bedford had met with the Mrs J Foster (Chairman of Hunston PC) and Mr J Ashley (Chairman of North Mundham’s NP Steering Group) to discuss progress on their Neighbourhood Plans. They will continue to liaise. A further meeting has been arranged to discuss environmental issues across the Manhood parishes. Mr Ryder has applied to the NP grant funding body and this is under consideration. £5,500 had been applied for but the allocation for administrative help is not allowed under the rules so the application has been reduced to £3,500. Mr Ryder pointed out that much of the consultancy work had been carried out by a volunteer, thus saving a considerable cost.
The next step is to formalise the Vision Statement and set future objectives. Once the grant funding has been received and the Vision Statement complete, parishioners’ involvement and consultation can commence.
9. Memorial Playing Field
9.1 Update
Mr Mellodey reported that, following the Annual Parish Meeting in April, at which the PC’s decision to cancel the current Heads of Agreement was ratified, the PC had, with advice from the PC’s solicitor, given notice to Sidlesham Football Club to terminate the HoA. The PC has since written several emails to SFC to try to arrange a meeting at which it hopes to discuss and agree an interim agreement. These have not been successful. A member of the public present at the meeting, a supporter of SFC, had been asked to speak to the PC on behalf of SFC. He explained that if SFC does not have a contract/lease for use of the clubhouse and pitch, it could be in breach of Football Association rules and this would be very serious for SFC. Mr Mellodey explained that the PC wishes to develop the field for sport and recreation; it has no wish for SFC to leave. However, it wishes to enhance the club with better facilities and seeks a sound contract with SFC. The parishioner stated that the FC’s main source of income is from the bar – the PC did not see this as a problem. All these concerns should be resolved during agreement negotiations.
9.2 Repair of the Drive.
The drive has been repaired.
9.3 Parish Council Fund Raising proposals.
Mrs Hall had circulated suggestions to initiate fund raising for a new hall for sport and recreation. The SCA has been holding fund raising events which it will contribute to the project. It was decided that the PC needs more concrete proposals before starting to raise funds.
9.4 Motorbike event on Memorial Playing Field.
This charity event in aid of Air Ambulance, was last held in 2018; it was well organised and the field was left clean and tidy. The PC agreed unanimously that it has no objection to the event being held on the MPF again and the organisers have agreed to a cost of £250 for the use of the field.
10. Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
10.1 Selsey/Chichester Greenway Commuter cycle route.
Mr Mellodey reported on progress. The Selsey section from Medmerry to RSPB is in operation. The Golf Links Lane to Medmerry section will be built by the end of 2019. The southern Sidlesham section is being considered for building in 2020/21. This will give access to Chalk/Keynor Lane and two possible accesses from Keynor Lane onto the Memorial Playing Field are being considered. The Hunston section is looking positive with other east/west routes to join at Hunston. Negotiations are in progress regarding challenges presented at the mini roundabout. Environmental impact assessments will continue until 2020. Appropriate documents have been signed with Sustrans to undertake the work and CDC will release £30,000 to fund the assessment. Mr Mellodey showed a new logo for signage on the route.
11. Assets & Amenities Workgroup.
11.1 Update
Mrs Hall reported that the tunnel slide is in need of repair. The rubber matting at the top has split and needs to be replaced and concreted in. Mr Harland has spare rubber matting and the Clerk will obtain a quote to carry out the work.
The sand pit needs more sand. In 2018 a local nursery donated the sand and the Clerk was asked to write to them again to ask if they would consider doing the same again. Mr Ramm thought he could supply a vehicle to move the sand from the drive to the pit.
Mrs Hall suggested that Mr Ramm join the Assets and Amenities Work Group. All agreed.
12. New Homes Bonus
All agreed that the PC apply for NHB funding to buy and install SID equipment on the B2145. £1,000 will be added to the PC’s NHB grant from STAG’s grant from Ferry Farm Community Grant Scheme and the PC has 3 years in which to raise any shortfall.
13. Manhood Parishes Action Group
The letter to Mrs Gillian Keegan MP regarding the Draft Chichester Local Plan Review 2016 – 2035 has been agreed and sent. Mr Ryder asked that he have authority to respond on behalf of the PC on MPAG issues when he attends meetings and all agreed. Chichester District has large areas which are excluded from new house building, such as the Southdowns National Park and Pagham Harbour and this has increased the pressure for housing in other localities.
14. New Website for PC
The Clerk had circulated 3 quotations for setting up a new website for SPC. The Clerk was asked to arrange for 2 of those suppliers to give presentations to the PC.
15. Letter to Chief Officer of CDC re new Ward boundaries
Mr Mellodey had circulated a draft letter to all Councillors. All agreed that the letter, with agreed modifications, be signed by Councillors and sent.
16. Finance
16.1 Payments
16.1.1 H B Collins (strim & litter pick) £901.20
16.1.2 CDC (MPP Contribution) £100.00
16.1.3 SSALC (LCR Magazine contribution) £17.00
16.1.4 Access by Design (annual fee for website hosting) £144.00
16.1.5 F Fields (internal audit) £85.00
16.1.6 Surrey Hills Solicitors (legal advice) £390.00
16.1.7 Came & Company (Annual insurance premium) £1038.49
16.1.8 M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £265.20
16.1.9 T MacIntyre (May salary) £537.50
Mrs Tull proposed and Mr Harland seconded that the PC approve items 16.1 to 16.1.9 en bloc. All councillors agreed.
16.2 Approve quarterly statement of expenditure against budget.
The quarterly statement was approved unanimously.
13. Correspondence. None.
14. Matters of urgent public importance. None
15. Matters of Information. None
Meeting closed at 9.15