Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 17 March 2021
Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 17th March 2021,
held electronically via Zoom Meetings, at 7.00pm
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
Present: Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mrs C Hall, Mr C Field, Mr A Harland, Mr L Ramm, Mrs M Monnington, Mr R Ryder, Mrs P Tull, , Cllr P Montyn, Cllr C Purnell and the Clerk Mrs C Mackenzie
1. Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda. None | |
2. Apologies for Absence: Mrs L Gibson-House, Cllr D Johnson | |
3. Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. Mr Ramm, Mr Ryder and Mrs Hall declared their roles as Trustees of Sidlesham Community Association (SCA). | |
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 17th February 2021 to be signed as a correct record. Mr Field proposed and Mr Harland seconded that the Minutes be signed. All Agreed. | |
5. Minutes of Planning Committee Decisions held electronically on 12th March to be signed as a correct record. Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Tull seconded that the Minutes be signed. All Agreed. | |
6. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below. None.
7. WSCC CouncillorCllr Montyn reported WSCC had held its final budget setting meeting and it was agreed to increase the county council element of the overall council tax by 4.99%. This is split 3% for adult social care and 1.99% for council tax, £1510 for a Band D property. This represents a real increase in budget for children and young people, adult social care and highways.
WSCC briefings report a continuing fall in COVID infection incidence rates across the county with Chichester area among the lowest. However, the county council will continue online meetings and officers will work from home for some time. The majority of the county’s COVID related costs have been reimbursed by the Government, this is currently running at £90m.
WSCC is introducing a trial booking system at household waste sites this does not currently include Westhampnett, the outcome will be known at the end of the summer. Mrs Tull asked if parish councils would be consulted, Cllr Montyn agreed to investigate the consultation process.
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8. CDC CouncillorCllr Purnell raised the issue of the Inspector allowing the appeal and awarding costs for Appeal Ref: /4001105 66 Street End Lane, Sidlesham, PO20 7RG relating to a building conversion. Clerk to circulate details again.
Mr Mellodey said that numerous planning applications for conversions had been received recently and the parish council intended to write to CDC asking for clarity on Class Q and a date when the guidelines would be published. The CDC consultation process on conversions had closed March 2020 but guidelines were still not in place to guide developers. The PC had made a suggestion that surveyors dealing with these applications are vetted. A copy of the draft letter will be copied to Cllr Purnell for comments before it is submitted.
Mrs Tull asked Cllr Purnell if she thought CDC was putting up officers that are making a good enough case in appeals. Cllr Purnell responded that the vast majority of appeals in the last year have been by written evidence.
Cllr Purnell left the meeting at 1920
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9. Neighbourhood Plan 9.1 A meeting on the first part of Section 2 Environment had taken place on Wednesday 3rd March. A meeting to complete the review of this section will be held at 7.15pm on Wednesday 7th April. The action notes of Neighbourhood Plan meetings to be circulated to all councillors.
Mr Ryder thanked Mr Field for writing an excellent introduction for the Neighbourhood Plan document. . |
RR, All
10. Memorial Playing Field10.1 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Mr Harland enquired why the draft business plan could not be circulated. Mr Ryder explained that the MOU was for the existing building and there was not a business plan for this facility. A draft business plan for a potential new building will be created and modified based on the trial.
Mrs Monnington requested the word ‘unfettered’ in the draft MOU is replaced with ‘not unreasonable restraint’ Agreed. Mrs Tull asked when trial period would start. Mr Ryder proposed the end of lockdown. Agreed. Mr Mellodey reported that there would be no league matches for Selsey Ladies FC until 2021/22, the remainder of this season would likely be friendlies and training but this was still to be confirmed. Mrs Hall proposed the MOU is accepted by the parish council, seconded by Mr Ryder. 7 councillors voted in favour and 2 abstained.
10.2. Mr Ryder proposed the clubhouse and floodlight electricity contracts be moved to a more efficient tariff. A price comparison had been undertaken and the best options are EDF 1 year Fixed for Business for the floodlights and Smartest Energy SmartFIX 1 year for the clubhouse. All Agreed.
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11. Highways, footpaths and cycleways.11.1 Cllr Montyn informed the meeting that 5 other parish councils are in the process of drafting their response to CDC regarding the Local Plan Transport Study and other transport concerns. Mrs Tull proposed SPC write a letter outlining its concerns. Clerk to ask neighbouring parishes for copies of their draft response. All Agreed.
11.2 Mr Mellodey proposed transport and sewage concerns be amalgamated into the letter to CDC and copied to MP Keegan. All Agreed
11.3 The Greenway cycle route Selsey to Chichester working group is having trouble finding a route across Sidlesham. The proposed route is Chalk Lane, Keynor Lane, left onto Selsey Road and across the Memorial Playing Field to Willow Glen. Mr Mellodey asked councillors to agree this was a viable route. All Agreed.
Mr Mellodey suggested that a joint SPC and Greenway letter is sent to the residents of Shotford regarding the proposals, and a meeting be held to explain the scheme when allowed under COVID restrictions. All Agreed.
Mr Ryder asked if the route needed planning permission and Mr Ramm asked if the pavement would become an official cycle route. Mr Mellodey said that he did not have answers at present but Greenway would be working on this. Mrs Hall asked if it would have a cycle way surface and who would fund it. Mr Mellodey confirmed it would be a proper path and funding would come from WSCC and Sustrans not SPC.
MMe Clerk
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12. Keynor Lane/Selsey Road Travellers’ Site UpdateMr Mellodey and Mr Ryder had met with Mr Hughes to discuss the boundary and a verbal agreement had been reached that the boundary is in the centre of the ditch, Mr Hughes had been asked to sign an agreement and has begun erecting a fence on the southside of the ditch.
Cllr Montyn left the meeting at 2010
13. Assets & Amenities Workgroup. 13.1 Mr Ryder reported the ditch has been cleared by volunteers. Mrs Hall suggested a site meeting with Mrs Jane Reeve and Mrs Gibson House to consider replanting a hedge on the northside of the fence/southside of the ditch and removing brambles. All Agreed.
Mr Ryder thanked Mrs Hall and her team for doing sterling work in clearing the area.
13.2 Mrs Hall reported that the noticeboard at the entrance to the site was not being used, Mr Ryder proposed it be used by SCA. All Agreed
13.3 The annual playground inspection report had been sent to the Assets and Amenities Committee, copies are available from the Clerk. Everything on the report is very low risk. The report had suggested equipment cleaning. This was not done in 2020 as the playground was closed. A quote had been received for undertaking the work from JWL Installs for £290.00 +VAT. Mrs Hall proposed the work be undertaken. All Agreed.
The inspection report also suggested the sand is topped up. Mr Ramm is waiting to hear from Covers if they are able to sponsor this again.
14. Charitable Donations 2020/21Mr Harland confirmed SPC had £440.00 remaining in the budget for charitable donations. Funding has already been given in 2020/21 to Chestnut Tree House, Stonepillow, Woodland Trust, British Legion and Selsey Academy.
All Agreed additional donations for 2020/21 would be given to Good Companions £100, Homestart £120, Samaritans £100 and Arun and Chichester CAB £120.
Mrs Tull left the meeting at 2008
15 WSALC/SSALC15.1 Mr Field reported that there is now a new WSALC board, SSALC no longer exists but the previous support staff are still in place. The new Chairman is Mr Douglas Denham St Pinnock. Mr Harland asked how the service would now be paid for, Mr Field replied that PC subscriptions have actually been reduced. CDALC will have its AGM in April 2021.
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16 Option to receive Summons ElectronicallyThe Clerk explained that the council could improve its sustainability if councillors received information for meetings electronically. Councillors agreed to move to receiving summons electronically from April 2021. Mr Mellodey asked the Clerk to prepare and circulate a proforma for councillors to sign authorising the change.
Clerk |
17. FinanceMr Harland proposed and Mr Ramm seconded that items 17.1.1 - 17.2.6 be approved en bloc. All Agreed
17.2.1 Harvey Collins Grass Cut and Litter Pick 288.00 17.2.2 Scanstation Clerk PC Security Annual 24.99 17.2.3 SSALC New Clerks Training 50.00 17.2.4 Caroline Mackenzie Expenses 51.90 17.2.5 Farrell Prop Maintenance Club house electrics 1125.00 17.2.6 Caroline Mackenzie Salary February 2021 552.08
Mrs Monnington asked for clarification of the grass cutting costs. Mr Harland explained that there are two grass cutting contracts, one for the verges and one for other areas.
The review of expenditure against budget will form part of the end of year financial review. Expenditure against budget will be presented quarterly.
18. Reports. None | |
19. Correspondence Cllr Graeme Barrett, Manhood Peninsula Forum has asked councillors to review and comment on the update to the 2011 ICZM, Clerk to circulate and any views to be expressed to the Clerk and Chairman. Background information is in the MPP minutes. Mr Mellodey said that he would speak to Cllr Barrett to find out more about the most appropriate format of the response.
20. Matters of urgent public importance. none
21. Matters of Information. A date for the annual parish meeting has not yet been set because of COVID restrictions. Mrs Monnington asked if this could take place after restrictions were lifted in June. Mr Field said that there is a window when the annual parish meeting has to take place (1 March – 1 June). Mr Harland requested WSALC be asked if parish councils could be given permission to have the meeting in 2021 after the proposed lockdown release in June. . |
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Clerk |
22 Date of Next Meeting Next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 21st April 2021 via Zoom video conferencing | |
Meeting closed at 8.26 pm |