Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 20th January 2021
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Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 20th January 2021

Sidlesham Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 20th January 2021,

held electronically via Zoom Meetings, at 7.00pm


Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.


Present:  Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mrs C Hall, Mr C Field, Mrs L Gibson-House, Mr A Harland, Mr L Ramm, Mrs M Monnington, Mr R Ryder and the Clerk Mrs C Mackenzie. Mrs P Tull joined the meeting at 7.30pm

Absent Cllr D Johnson, Cllr P Montyn, Cllr C Purnell


1.    Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda.   None
2.    Apologies for Absence:  Mrs P Tull for the first part of the meeting and Cllr C Purnell
3.    Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda.   None.
4.    Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 18th November 2020 to be signed as a correct record.  The Parish Clerk proposed an amendment to 16.2.4 to read T Macintyre October Salary £552.08. Mr Mellodey proposed that the Clerk make the adjustment and he would sign the minutes. All Agreed.
5.     Minutes of Planning Committee Meetings held electronically on 18th November, 16th December and 24th December 2020 to be signed as a correct record.  Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Gibson-House seconded that the Minutes be signed. All Agreed.
6.    Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below. None.
7.     WSCC CouncillorCllr Montyn was absent
8.    CDC CouncillorCllr Purnell and Cllr Johnson were absent
9.     Neighbourhood Plan Mr Ryder proposed that the PC have a separate meeting on Planning and Infrastructure, the first Section of the Neighbourhood Plan that he had circulated. Mr Ryder said that he would prepare a briefing document for the meeting containing the policy headings and set up the meeting. All Agreed.

Mr Ryder proposed a second meeting be set up to discuss policies in the Environment Section following this. All Agreed.

10.    Keynor Lane/Selsey Road Travellers’ Site UpdateThe PC has secured a stop notice on the gateway proposed on Keynor Lane.  The owner has been told by CDC that the gate constructed on Selsey Road is subject to enforcement; the owners are proceeding to make a planning application on this.

Mr Mellodey proposed writing on behalf of the PC to CDC outlining the PC’s pre-opposition to the owner’s strategy of applying numerous times for planning permission, continuing with development without permission and then appealing any decisions. All Agreed Mr Mellodey and Mr Harland to draft a letter.

Mrs Monnington raised the issue of CDC looking for additional sites for Travellers in the area and the increased pressure this could put on the parish as well as the practice of splitting sites by selling on the land. Mrs Gibson-House questioned what criteria had to apply for a site to be deemed a Traveller site. Agreed the Clerk to clarify the conditions required for a site to be deemed a Traveller site.

11.     Assets & Amenities Workgroup.  The Assets and Amenities Workgroup held a meeting on 3rd December 2020 and the minutes were circulated to the PC.

11.1 Mrs Hall informed the PC that all equipment was currently in good order. The gate is still to be fixed and is awaiting parts. The Clerk confirmed the work would be complete by 22nd January 2021. Mrs Hall had recruited one new volunteer playground inspector and had identified another likely to come forward to replace those who have stood down recently.

11.2 The annual playground inspection is booked for February, date to be confirmed.

11.3 The SCA have submitted a grant application for picnic tables to Ferry Farm.

12.      Memorial Playing Field12.1 Mr Mellodey and Mr Ryder presented an Update Report to the PC.

Mr Mellodey requested approval of the financial statement of expenditure against budget for the making safe the existing building. The budget had been approved previously and expenditure is within budget. All Agreed

Mrs Gibson-House asked for clarification of the cost of electricity. Mr Ryder explained that there had been some illegal wiring. This has now been repaired and the abnormally high usage not occur again. Mr Ryder said that the tariff being paid would also be investigated.

Mr Harland queried whether rates should be paid on the building. Mr Mellodey had written to CDC asking for clarification but had not had a reply to date and rates had not been paid. Mr Ramm informed the PC that rates are not payable under COVID response and proposed no rates should currently be paid. All Agreed.

Mr Field stated that he could not support the current Vision for MPF. Mr Harland and Mrs Monnington also expressed their concerns.

Mr Mellodey accepted the concerns and explained that a business plan was being prepared with different scenarios. Mr Ryder said that further discussion would take place when this information was available.

Mrs Tull joined the meeting.

12.2 Mr Mellodey reported that the CIO could not be advanced until more work had been completed on the business plan.

12.3 Mrs Busby of Shotford has agreed to be a key holder for the access barrier and a letter has been sent to residents with access informing them.

12.4 Selsey Ladies and Bosham Youth FC have both been invoiced for their use of the pitch in 2020, it is uncertain when play will resume again in 2021 due to COVID.

13  Tree and Plant ExchangeMrs Gibson-House stated a tree and plant exchange event was being planned with the intention of raising monies for MPF funds. A date would be proposed when COVID restrictions were lifted. The Woodland Trust will be delivering 100+ trees in mid March which will be part of the event.

Mrs Gibson House requested a donation be made to the Woodland Trust, Mrs Monnington proposed £25.00. All Agreed.

14.     Highways, footpaths and cycleways.14.1   Greenway Selsey/Chichester Cycle Route is stuck until the position is clear on the Keynor Lane Traveller site.

14.2 The bus shelter has been repaired a window installed and it is back in position.

14.3 The SID on Paddock Straight is up and running and is proving successful at slowing traffic. It will be taken down again on 22nd January due to WSCC highways restrictions on the time it is allowed to be in position. Mr Mellodey reported that parishes in other parts of the country have much less stringent rules for SIDs and Mrs Hall requested the Clerk contact other councils for comparisons. All Agreed.

14.4 The Clerk reported that the Willow Pond fence would be replaced by the FLOW volunteers when they are allowed to work again, hopefully in mid March. The cost will be met by the driver.

15.    Neighbourhood Watch15.1 Mr Mellodey had sent a letter of condolence on behalf of the PC to Mrs Baron. Mr Mellodey asked for suggestions for a replacement for Mr Baron. Mrs Hall proposed putting an article in the Newsletter/Spread asking for interest. Mrs Hall agreed to liaise with Mrs Baron to link this with an obituary article. All Agreed.
16.       Finance16.1     Income

16.1.1  Chichester Ladies FC             Pitch Hire                                267.50

16.2     Payments

16.2.1  Castle Water                           Clubhouse water                     127.18

16.2.2  SSE                                         Playingfield floodlights          43.65

16.2.3 SSE                                         Clubhouse electricity              622.95

16.2.4  Trojan                                      Bus Shelter Repair                  440.00

16.2.5  Came and Co                          Insurance premium                  61.14

16.2.6  H Platt                                     Mower petrol and trimmer      46.40

16.2.7  MH Kennedy                           Grass cut                                  113.50

16.2.8  JWL Installs                             Rebuild small mound               2500.00

16.2.12Corina Hall                              Expenses for Clubhouse         142.87

16.2.13Scanstation Computers           Parish Clerk Laptop repair      158.30

16.2.14Trojan                                     Fix door/roof of Electrics       295.00

16.2.15Neil Hughes                            Plumbing Clubhouse               150.00

16.2.16Farrell Property Maint             Electrics Clubhouse                375.00

16.2.17Farrell Property Maint             Electrics Clubhouse                625.00

16.2.18Farrell Property Maint             Electrics Clubhouse                365.00


Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Monnington seconded that items 16.2.1 – 16.2.8 and items 16.2.12 – 16.2.18 be approved en bloc. All Agreed.

Mr Mellodey commented that the costs associated with MPF are being closely monitored and it is likely water and electricity tariffs could be reduced. Mrs Tull requested an explanation of the electricity cost and Mr Ryder explained the position (12.1).

Mrs Tull proposed that the Clerk’s laptop should be replaced rather than repaired in future. All Agreed.

17.     ReportsNone
18.     Correspondence.18.1  MPP Project Officer has requested annual contribution from parishes. Mr Mellodey proposed that the donation be kept at the same level as previous years (PC Minutes Nov 2019). Contribution of £200. All Agreed.

18.2 PCSO has offered to meet with individual parishes. Mrs Monnington proposed this be put back to a later date. All Agreed.

18.3 Mr Mellodey asked for a volunteer to attend the All Parishes Council Meeting. Mrs Tull or Mr Harland volunteered, final attendance will depend on the agenda items.

19.     Matters of urgent public importance.   

Mrs Monnington reported hare coursing taking place in the parish.

20.     Matters of Information.

New Parish Clerk training will be attended by the Clerk on 21st  and 28th January 2021

21     Date of Next MeetingNext Planning Committee will take place via email Wednesday 17th February 2021

Next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 17th February 2021 via Zoom video conferencing

Meeting closed at 8.05 pm

