Minutes of Sidlesham Parish Council Planning Committee Meeting on
Wednesday, 20th November 2019 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.00 pm

All members of the Council and the public are informed that this meeting will be recorded.

Present: Mr A Harland (Chairman), Mrs P Tull, Mrs C Hall, Mr R Ryder, Mr L Ramm, Mrs M Monnington, Mr C Field and Mrs L Gibson-House, Cllr P Montyn (WSCC), Cllr C Purnell, 1 member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.

1. Apologies for absence. Mr M Mellodey
2. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 16th October 2019 to be signed as a correct record. Mr Ryder proposed and Mr Field seconded that the Minutes be signed. All agreed.
3. Declarations by Councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda.
3.1 Mr Ramm declared an interest in item 5.1. He will take no part in the discussion or vote.
4. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below. None.
5. New Planning Application for Discussion
5.1 SI/19/02588/DOM - 1 Stakeways Ham Road Sidlesham PO20 7NS
Erection of double garage with sail loft - amendments to planning permission SI/19/00812/DOM.
No objection. All agreed.
5.2 SI/19/02575/FUL - Red Barn Selsey Road Sidlesham Chichester
Erection of 1 no. dwelling - alternative design to planning permission SI/19/01545/FUL.
The PC objected to the Application. The preformed flint cladding was considered to be out of keeping in the area. If it cannot be genuine flint, then brick or rendered walls would be preferable. In addition, if there is a request to add any of the agricultural field into the domestic curtilage of the converted property, a further planning application would be required. Unanimous decision.
5.3 SI/19/02644/DOM - Old Mill Barns Mill Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Works to garage including replacement roof, windows and doors, installation of timber cladding to walls and photovoltaic panels to roof.
No objection. All agreed.
5.4 SI/19/02491/FUL - Cherry Tree Farm Jury Lane Sidlesham Common PO20 7PX
Demolition of an existing static caravan and chicken coop, construction of 1 no. barn/store, 1 no. livestock polytunnel and refurbishment of existing shed.
The PC has no objection provided that the barn/store cannot be converted to residential in the future. All agreed.
5.5 SI/19/02417/FUL - Chalk Lane Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Demolition of existing barn and pigsty replaced with 1 no. dwelling.
The PC objects to this Planning Application. The barn and pigsty will not be converted, they will be demolished and a new building erected on a different area of the land.
5.6 SI/19/02681/TCA - St Marys Church Church Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Notification of intention to fell 2 no. common Ash trees (T1 and T2) and crown raise by 2.2 meters 3 no. Yew trees (T3,T4 and T5).
No objection, subject to the arboreal inspection to be carried out. All agreed.
5.7 SI/19/02442/FUL - Land South Of Meadowgate Nursery Street End Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Change use of land to glamping site and 6 no. Shepheard's huts.
No objection. All agreed.
6. Planning Decisions
6.1 SI/19/02018/TPA - Windward Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Pollard by 8m (all round) on 10 no. Poplar trees within Group, G9 subject to SI/86/00938/TPO. PERMIT.
6.2 SI/19/02156/PA3Q - Willowdene Fletchers Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7QG.
Prior Approval - change of use from agriculture to 1 no. dwelling house (C3 Us Class). PLANNING PERMISSION REQUIRED.
6.3 SI/19/02066/DOM - 51 Manhood Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LT
Loft conversion with rear facing dormer, single storey rear extension and alterations to fenestration. PERMIT.
6.4 SI/19/02157/PA3Q - 37 Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LW
Prior approval change of use of agricultural building to 1 no. dwelling house.
6.5 SI/19/02242/DOM - The Cottage, Chichester Road Sidlesham PO20 7PY
Removal of existing front Porch with flat roof. Replace Front Porch with larger version also to include a pitched roof that continues over the existing kitchen flat roof. PERMIT
7. Planning Correspondence and other planning matters.
7.1 SI/19/02810/DOM - 63 Street End Lane, Sidlesham
Single storey front extension and new drop kerb for drive.
No objection. This decision will be confirmed at the next Planning Committee Meeting.
7.2 SI/19/02835/DOM – 14 Chalk Lane, Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Demolition of conservatory and erection of two storey side and rear extentions.
No objection. This decision will be confirmed at the next Planning Committee Meeting.
7.3 Decision on Appeal for stables on land south of telephone exchange. Allowed. Noted by the PC.
7.4 Enforcement Notice to remove residential caravan at Zsaras Yard, Highleigh Road. (PC did not object provided for limited period of 3 years.) . Noted by PC.
7.5 Appeal against Enforcement Notice on Greenwood Group, Highleigh Nurseries, Highleigh Road.
Without planning permission, change of use of the land to a use for the storage and distribution of frozen food products.
The Clerk was asked to write to the Planning Inspectorate to reiterate the PC’s objections to the original Planning Application.
7.6 Land Settlement Act - Class Q permitted development rights. The Clerk had circulated an exchange of letters and emails between the PC and the Office of Mrs G Keegan MP. The MP is now in the period leading to an election and can do no more until after the election.
8. Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting. None
9. Matters of Information. None

Meeting closed 7.50 pm
