Roads & Highways
Road Closure
12th January 2025 Keynor Lane for 5 days, 8am to 4pm. For further details, please use the link below: Closure of Keynor LaneDownload
Early Notice of Road Closure
Mill Lane, Sidlesham between the junctions with the B2145 and Sidlesham Quay, MillLane, Sidlesham. For full details, please use the link below: Mill LaneDownload
Road Closure Date Notification - Selsey Road, Donnington- 11/11/2024- South Chichester
For further details, please use the link below: Road-Closure-date-notificationDownload
National Planning Policy Framework & Housing Changes Survey
We attach Sidlesham Parish Council's Response to the above survey for your informatio. my_response-1Download
16 to 20 Bus Saver Discount Consultation
West Sussex County Council has just launched a survey for the 16 to 20 Bus Saver discount, available to all West Sussex residents aged 16-20. To encourage more survey takers, we have included a prize draw of five winners of five £50 gift vouchers. All the details can be found on the survey link...
WSCC Highways - New Process for Reporting Pavement & Road Issues
Please select Report a problem with a road or pavement to be redirected to WSCC website for the issue you want to report. To make it easier to find what you are looking for, we have grouped specific defect...
Traffic Incidents
The Parish Council request Parishioners to pass on information and as much detail as possible (date, time, photos) of any road accidents in Sidlesham to the Parish Clerk in order to support their application to the WSCC. Thank you.
Keeping Safe when out and about
Keeping safe when out and about As coronavirus restrictions continue to be lifted and as the weather improves, we've worked with our partners to produce the following advice and guidance to help you keep yourself and others...