Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 17th July 2019
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Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 17th July 2019

Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 17th July 2019 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.00pm

Present:  Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mrs C Hall, Mr R Ryder, Mrs P Tull, Mrs L Gibson-House, Mrs M Monnington and Mr L Ramm, Cllr P Montyn (WSCC), Cllr C Purnell, 1 member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
1.    Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda.   None

2.    Apologies for Absence:    Mr C Field, Mr A Harland and Cllr D Johnson
3.    Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda.   None.
4.    Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th May 2019 to be signed as a correct record.  Mrs Hall proposed and Mr Ryder seconded that the minutes be signed.  4 agreed and 3 abstained.
5.    Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
6.     WSCC Councillor
Cllr Montyn reported that WSCC is in the early stages of setting its 2020/21 budget.  WSCC has little information on potential funding from central government at this point but believes it will have a £29m (nearly 5%) gap in funding to bridge.  Approximately 18 options for possible cuts have been discussed but if those which are thought worth investigating, were implemented, a shortfall of £10m would remain.  One potential cut is for the withdrawal of funding from the fortnightly mobile tips in Selsey and West Wittering.  Should Selsey and Sidlesham Town/Parish Councils wish to retain the facility, if could by funded by the local Selsey and Sidlesham Councils.  Cllr Montyn will press for WSCC Officers to make decisions on funding before the PC needs to set its budget for 2020/21.
6.1   Grass and hedge cutting on B2145.
The Clerk has written to WSCC regarding the overgrown hedge and grass on the west side of the B2145 north of the junction with the B2201.  Cllrs Montyn and Purnell believed that hedge cutting is generally the responsibility of the land owner and the grass will be cut in accordance with Highways’ grass cutting schedule.   Cllr Montyn requested that he be given clear information on dangerous grass verges in order for him to chase action by Highways.
7.    CDC Councillor
Cllr Purnell reported that the Appeal on the conversion of a greenhouse to a dwelling at Butskiln has been dismissed.
8.     Neighbourhood Plan
Mr Ryder had circulated an update on progress with the Neighbourhood Plan.  Mr Mellodey suggested that the section on the rural community might wish to include information on the LSA heritage.  Mr Ryder circulated a time line with goals to be met.  The Clerk was asked to arrange a PC workshop in August when the main direction of the project and village statement will be discussed.  In September it is hoped that the 3 main groups will meet to formulate the working groups and in November/December the PC will hold a public meeting.
9.      Memorial Playing Field
9.1    Renegotiation of Heads of Agreement
The Clerk had circulated the reply from Sidlesham Football Club in response to the PC’s letter serving notice to cancel the Heads of Agreement.  The PC has since received legal advice from its solicitor which has been circulated.  The advice had stated that the PC’s actions had been correct and the Clerk will write to SFC to convey that opinion and reiterate the PC’s request to SFC to meet and draw up an interim agreement.
10.     Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
10.1   Selsey/Chichester Greenway Commuter cycle route.
Mr Mellodey outlined the concerns with the stretch of the cycle route between south Sidlesham and the Memorial Playing Field.  Land owners have been approached seeking permission to cross their land but these have been refused.  In order to avoid cyclists using the B2145, a dangerous section of road, the project may need to convert foot paths.  This is a more circuitous route and not the preferred option.
11.     Assets & Amenities Workgroup.
11.1   Mrs Hall confirmed that Greenwood Plants has agreed to fund the replacement sand and Mr Ramm has agreed that his equipment will shift the sand from the car park to the playground.
11.2   The quotation from John Lovell to repair the top of the tunnel slide for £150 + VAT has been accepted by the PC and he will carry out the work.
12.      New Homes Bonus
The Clerk will complete the NHB form to apply for SID equipment to be installed on the Paddock Straight, with help from Mr Hall (Chairman of STAG).  It must be submitted by 29th July 2019.
13.      Manhood Parishes Action Group
The next meeting will be on 23rd July 2019.  Minutes will be circulated.
14.      New Website for PC
Access-by Design had given a presentation to the PC before the PC Meetings.  This had shown how the Parish website could be improved and made accessible to mobile phone and ipad/tablet users.  The cost to the PC would be £1,500 + £100 for training for the Clerk.  The Clerk was asked to enquire if the training fee could be included in the £1,500 overall cost of the new website.  Having viewed 3 quotations for an updated website, Mrs Tull proposed, Mrs Monnington seconded that the PC accept Access-by Design’s proposal and all agreed.
15.      Letter to Chief Officer of CDC re new Ward boundaries
The PC had received a reply from the Chief Officer of CDC.
16.    Finance
16.1    Income
16.1.1    HMRC VAT return £2,636.04
16.1.2    Sidlesham Football Club (payment for use of ground for motorbike event) £250.00
16.2    Payments
16.2.1    H B Collins (strim and litter pick) £561.60
16.2.2    SSALC (new Councillor Course) £84.00
16.2.3    M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £265.20
16.2.4     T MacIntyre (June salary) £537.50
16.2.5    H B Collins (strim & litter pick) £222.00
16.2.6    CDC (cost of uncontested election) £241.00
Mrs Tull proposed and Mrs Monnington seconded that items 16.1 to 16.2.6 be taken en bloc.  All agreed.
16.3    Confirm approval of quotation for repair of tunnel slide. (£150).  Quotation accepted.
16.4    Approve £25 donation to Sidlesham Primary School for Good Citizenship Prize.  All agreed to the donation.
16.4    Request for donation towards defibrillator for school and community.
A parishioner explained the proposal to install a defibrillator on the school building.  This would be available to all parishioners at all times.  The PC agreed that the defibrillator in the church porch is not in a central position and supported the proposal for one at the school.  It was suggested that the Ferry Farm Community Fund and Tesco’s Bags of Help be applied to for funding.  If there is a shortfall, the PC would consider making a contribution.
13.     Correspondence.  None.
14.     Matters of urgent public importance.   None
15.     Matters of Information.   None
