MINUTES of Planning Committee Meeting on Wednesday, 17th April 2019
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MINUTES of Planning Committee Meeting on Wednesday, 17th April 2019

Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday, 17th April 2019 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane, Sidlesham at 6.00 pm

Members of the Council and the public were informed that the meeting will be recorded.

Present:  Mr P Bedford (Chairman), Mr A Harland, Mrs C Ranjbar, Mr C Hall, Mr R Ryder and Mr M Mellodey, Cllr P Tull (CDC), 2 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
1.    Apologies for absence.  Dr F Lewis
2.      Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 20th March 2019 to be signed as a correct record.  Mr Harland proposed, Mr Ryder seconded and all agreed that the minutes be signed.
3.    Declarations by Councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda.  None
4.    Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below. None
5.    Confirmation of Planning Application Discussed on 20th March 2019
5.1    19/00706/PLD - Mill House 8 Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LU
Single storey rear extension under permitted development. |
No objection.  The decision was agreed unanimously.
5.2    SI/19/00757/PA3P - The Fairways Brimfast Lane Sidlesham Common Chichester
Notification for Prior Approval for a Change Of Use from Storage or Distribution Buildings (Class B8) and any land within its curtilage to dwellinghouses (Class C3).
The PC had been unable to consider the Application until the legal position regarding the S106 Agreement entered into concerning the demolition of existing buildings on the property had been resolved.  The Clerk had received a letter from CDC stating that all outside buildings identified in the S106 Agreement had been removed.  The PC believed that the buildings erected to replace buildings demolished under S106 should not have been given ELD consent; commercial use should not have been permitted on residential land.  The PC objects to Prior Consent to convert those buildings to residential.  In addition, the PC sought clarification on the 2 mobile homes on the property.  Planning consent for the house was granted in 2010 and the most recent application for the stationing of 2 caravans while the house was being built was last approved for one year from October 2014. All agreed.
5.    New Planning Application for Discussion
5.1    SI/19/00812/DOM - 1 Stakeways, Ham Road Sidlesham PO20 7NS
Erection of double garage.
No objection.  All agreed.
5.2    SI/19/00892/FUL – Yeomans, Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7NA
Erection of Westholm two bedroom bungalow. Removal of Condition 1 from Planning Permission SI/8/91 to remove the limitation of occupancy.
The PC objects to this application.  It would like the bungalow to remain in horticultural/agricultural use.
5.3    SI/18/02925/FUL - Land South Of Telephone Exchange, Selsey Road, Sidlesham, West Sussex
Proposed private stable block and associated hard standing. New access to the highway.
The PC objects to this Application.  There should be no new access to the B2145:  an embargo on new access onto the B2145 was imposed by the County Surveyor several years ago and remains the case.  The access applied for is for residential access but the stables would require access for 3 ½ ton vehicles. The Clerk was asked to write to Cllr Montyn to ask that WSCC Highways reassess their report on access to the B2145.  In addition, the applicant has 2 Appeals awaiting a hearing with the Planning Inspectorate, each for 3 mobile homes, with associated facilities on the land.  Should those be granted, there could be insufficient land for 3 horses without bringing in fodder which would entail a change of use on the land. The PC would like the Appeals resolved before this Application can be considered. All agreed.
5.4    SI/19/00574/DOM - 43 Manhood Lane, Sidlesham, PO20 7LT
Erection of single storey rear extension with alterations and additions to fenestration.
No objection.  All agreed.
5.5    SI/19/00963/LBC - Swallow Cottage, Church Lane, Sidlesham, PO20 7RH
Proposed 7 no. new replacement windows on existing rear elevation. Windows replaced in
timber hardwood with single glazing painted white to match existing.
No objection.  All agreed.
6.    Planning Decisions
6.1    SI/18/03322/FUL - Land West Of 63 Street End Lane Sidlesham West Sussex
Change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian (for the keeping of horses) and erection of associated stable building.   PERMIT.
6.2       SI/18/02705/FUL - Highleigh Nurseries, Highleigh Road Sidlesham PO20 7NR.
Retrospective temporary siting of a 3 bay container unit and use of associated land for the storage and distribution for off site sale of frozen food products.   REFUSE.
7.           Planning Correspondence and other planning matters.
7.1    A letter from Sidlesham and Earnley Parish Councils has been sent to Gillian Keegan MP regarding conversions of agricultural buildings, particularly those on LSA properties, together with a list of all conversions to date.
8.         Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.
9.         Matters of Information.
