CONVEYANCE document for purchase of Memorial Playing Field 31st March 1956
Dated 31 March 1956
Minister of Agriculture Fisheries and Food
of the Land at Sidlesham in the County of Sussex
This Conveyance is made the thirty first day of March one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six BETWEEN THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE FISHERIES AND FOOD (hereinafter called “the Minister”) or the first part and THE PARISH COUNCIL OF SIDLESHAM in the County of Sussex (hereinafter called “the Council”) of the other part
(1) Under and by virtue of a Conveyance dated the Seventeenth day of May One thousand nine hundred and fifty and made between the Land Settlement Association Limited of the one part and the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of the other part and the Transfer of Functions (Ministry of Food) Order 1955 S>I> 1955 No. 554 the Minister is seised in fee simple in possession free from incumbrances of the property hereinafter described
(2) The Council being desirous of providing a recreation ground for the said Parish have (with the consent of the Parish Meeting held on the twenty second day of March One thousand nine hundred and fifty-five signified by a resolution passed at that meeting) agreed with the Minister to purchase the said property for the purpose aforesaid at the price of twenty-five pounds
1. In pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the sum of Twenty-five pounds now paid by the Council to the Minister (the receipt whereof the Minister hereby acknowledges) the Minister as Trustee hereby conveys unto the Council ALL THAT piece of parcel of land being part of Ordnance Survey Enclosure No. 260 (revised 1933 Edition) situate in the Parish of Sidlesham in the County of Sussex and containing 8.61 acres or thereabouts and for the purpose of identification only more particularly delineated on the plan drawn hereon and thereon edged pink to HOLD the same unto the Council in fee simple SUBJECT NEVERTHELESS to a covenant contained or referred to in a Conveyance dated the Second day of November One thousand nine hundred and thirty six and made between Buy Harold Howard Tripp of the one part and the Land Settlement Association Limited of the other part so far as the same relates to the land hereby conveyed and is still subsisting and capable of taking effect
2. With the object and intent of affording to the Vendor a full and sufficient indemnity in respect of any breach of the said covenant contained or referred to in the hereinbefore mentioned Conveyance dated the Second day of November One thousand nine hundred and thirty-six but not further or otherwise the Council hereby covenant with the Minister that the Council and the persons deriving title under the Council will henceforth perform and observe the same so far as the same are still subsisting and capable of taking effect and will indemnify the Minister from and against all actions claims and demands in respect of any breach thereof
3. The Council so as to bind the land hereby conveyed and every part thereof into whosesoever hands the same may come and so that this convenant shall be for the benefit and protection of the remainder of Ordnance Survey Enclosure No. 260 remaining vested in the Minister and Enclosure Nos. 258 and 259 and every part thereof but so that the Council shall not be personally liable for a breach of this covenant occurring on or in respect of the said land hereby conveyed or any part or parts thereof after they shall have parted with all interest therein HEREBY COVENANT with the Minister that the Council and all those deriving title under the Council will at all times hereafter observe and perform the restriction and stipulations following that is to say not to use the said land hereby conveyed for any purpose other than as and for a sports field or recreation ground maintained by a Local Government Authority
4. The Minister hereby acknowledge the right of the Council to production and delivery of copies of the deeds specified in the Schedule hereto
5. It is hereby certified that the transaction hereby effected does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value or the aggregate amount or value of the consideration exceeds the sum of Five hundred pounds
IN WITNESS whereof the Official Seal of the Minister has been hereunto affixed and Lancelot Lawrence Thwaytes of Ivy Grange Sidlesham aforesaid Brigadier and Charles Earwicker of Red Gates Farm aforesaid Farmer two members of the said Parish Council have for and on behalf of the said Parish Council set their hands and seals the day and year first before written