Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting 21st March 2018 (Unapproved)
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Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting 21st March 2018 (Unapproved)

Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday 21st March 2018 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane, Sidlesham at 7.00 pm
Members of the Council and the public were informed that the meeting will be recorded.

Present: Mrs P Bedford (Chairman), Mr A Harland, Mrs C Ranjbar, Mr M Mellodey, Dr F Lewis and Mrs M Monnington, 2 members of the public, Cllr P Tull and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.

1.           Apologies for absence:  Mrs C Hall and Mrs U Pearce
2.      Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 21st February 2017 to be signed as a correct record.  Mr Harland proposed and Mr Mellodey seconded the proposal.  Unanimous decision.
3.    Declarations by Councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda.   None
4.    Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.   None
4.1    Keynor Lane caravan site application.
No decision has been made by CDC; there continues to be an exchange of correspondence between the applicant and CDC.  The horses have been removed from the field.  A consortium of local residents is considering a joint action which could provide a viable alternative use for the land. Cllr Tull reported that the Case Officer, who has a heavy workload, has transferred the case to another Planning Officer. The case has taken many months but Cllr Tull felt that if it was to go straight to Appeal, it would have happened before now.  If it is to go to Committee, it will be in April.  If CDC’s decision is to refuse the Application, Cllr Tull will withdraw her red card.  WSCC has checked the new access onto the B2145 but was convinced it is not in use.
4.2    Hatchers, Sidlesham Common.
The Clerk had forwarded legal advice from Surrey Hills Solicitors regarding the appropriation of common land, without consultation or consent, to the District Solicitor.  The Clerk had no reply so sent the advice, together with other documents regarding Hatchers, to the Planning Inspectorate.  The Planning Inspectorate advised that the PC’s only course of action is to take out an injunction against the owner of Hatchers.  Mr Bedford suggested that the PC write to WSCC who hold the Common Land Registry and approach Natural England.  The Clerk will follow these up.
5.    New Planning Application for Discussion
5.1    SI/18/00343/FUL - Windward Nursery, Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Demolition of existing and the replacement of office and storage building.
No objection on condition that the building will not be converted into living accommodation.  All agreed.
5.2    SI/18/00209/FUL - 36 Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Change of use to dwelling house and external changes including new roof to building that has change of use permitted under Class P Prior Approval for Change of Use from Class B1(c) (light industrial  to Class C3 (dwelling house) under SI/17/03337/PA3PA.  O.S. Grid Ref. 485121/97682.
The PC object to this Application.  The building is unsuitable for conversion, In addition, the plan shows an increase in the curtilage of the original building.   SPC had, in September 2017, in response to the applicant’s ELD application, asked that the ELD restrict its use to B1(c) and asked CDC to remove the permitted development right to change the use from light industrial to residential as the council did not wish to see another residence on this site.  All agreed.
5.3    SI/18/00347/FUL - Zara Stud And Training Centre Limited Highleigh Road Sidlesham Demolition of garage, toilets, spectators gallery and stables and redevelopment of the site to provide garage, toilets, spectators gallery, hay store stables and parking areas for horse transport vehicles (Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission SI/12/04097/FUL- Re-position of outdoor school away from site boundary and create a stable yard area).   O.S. Grid Ref. 484394/98804
No objection.  All agreed.
5.4    SI/18/00111/LBC - The Annexe Marble Bridge Farm B2145 Chichester Road To Brimfast Lane Sidlesham PO20 7PY
Solar photovoltaic panels on to the east facing elevation of the Annexe.
The PC considered the solar panels to be inappropriate on this Grade II listed building.  However, the PC will support the Conservation Officer’s decision.  Unanimous decision.
6.    Planning Decisions
6.1    SI/17/03589/FUL - 82 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham PO20 7QG
Erection of 1 no. dwelling by the division of an existing residential plot.   REFUSE
6.2       SI/18/00098/FUL - Suffolk Life Annuities Ltd, Sally Field Lodge  Rotten Row Sidlesham
Change of use from B1 (office) to C3 (dwellinghouse) with no external changes.   REFUSE
6.3       SI/18/00166/PA3R - Jardine Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester PO20 7LW
Class R application for prior approval - change of use to Class B1 (Business) and Class B8 (Storage and Distribution).   PRIOR APPROVAL REQUIRED HEREBY PERMITTED
7.           Planning Correspondence and other planning matters.
7.1         Letter to Planning Inspectorate re Hatchers.
Discussed above under 4.2.
7.2    SI/18/00632/PA3Q - 63 Street End Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7RG
Class Q application for Prior Approval - Change of use from Agriculture to Dwelling (C3 Use
Class). Renewal of Class MB approval SI/15/00281/COUPMB.
It was thought that the period of time since Prior Approval consent had first been given may have expired.  The PC believes that, once expired, consent cannot normally be reinstated.  The Clerk to contact CDC to enquire about status of this application.
7.1    SI/18/00598/PA3Q - 89 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex
Class Q Application for Prior Approval - Change of use of Agricultural building (greenhouse) from Agriculture to 1 no. Dwelling (C3 Use Class).
The PC considers that glasshouses are not permanent buildings and therefore not eligible for conversion and the clerk will contact CDC making this point.  Mr Bedford, Mr Mellodey and the Planning Chairman of Earnley PC had met with Mr A Frost of CDC who had agreed to review CDC’s position with regard to glasshouse conversions.
7.4    SI/18/00530/PA3Q - 89 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex
Prior approval for the proposed change of use of agricultural building to 1 no. 3 bedroom dwelling (Class C3).
7.5    SI/18/00620/DOM - Fairleigh Selsey Road Sidlesham Chichester
Loft conversion with dormers, front porch and first floor extension.
No objection.  The PC will confirm this decision at its April PC meeting.
8.     Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.
9.     Matters of Information.
9.1   Mr Bedford reported on the consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework.
