Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 18th October 2017
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Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 18th October 2017

Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 18th October 2017 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane 7.30pm

Present:  Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mrs C Ranjbar, Mrs C Hall, Mrs M Monnington, Mr A Harland, Mrs U Pearce, Dr F Lewis and Mr P Bedford
Mrs S Osborne (Selsey TC), 6 members of the public, Cllr P Tull and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
Action by
1     Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda.    None
2.    Apologies for Absence:  Cllr P Montyn, Mrs D Pound
3.    Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda.   None
4.    Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 20th September 2017 to be signed as a correct record.  Mrs Hall proposed and Dr Lewis seconded that the minutes be signed.  6 councillors agreed with 2 abstentions.
5.    Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.    None.
6.     CDC Councillor
Cllr Tull reported that CDC had held a Special Council Meeting to decide its recommendations to be sent to Highways England on the latest A27 improvement proposals.  CDC decided to recommend delaying the application and go for RIS2 funding.  It was not thought that Option 2 under RIS1 could be amended sufficiently to make it acceptable to the community.  WSCC has reached the same conclusion.
7.    Brief from Sue Osborne (Selsey TC)
Mrs Osborne, Community Support Coordinator for Selsey Town Council, informed the PC on the Selsey Works Scheme.   Selsey Works started in 2014 and supplies support, care and guidance for people of all ages. This includes help for those seeking employment to help in submitting claims for a range of different benefits.  Selsey Works has been awarded funding from Ferry Farm Community Grants Fund to deliver a 3 year project which will support people suffering energy and fuel poverty on the Manhood Peninsula. The group will develop a range of benefits to help those in most need, with regard to fuel poverty, including advice on the most energy efficient use of existing systems and changing energy suppliers. In addition, it will advise on the different schemes to help with the cost of installing solar panels.  The project will be operational, it is hoped, by the end of November 2017.  Selsey Works will implement an education project through local schools, the WI, local police and other local groups.  Selsey Works needs volunteers to go out into the community and give home energy advice.  These volunteers will be given training provided by the National Energy Association.
Mr Bedford raised the proposed new Sport and Community Hall and the wish to heat the hall with solar panels.  Mrs Osborne suggested the PC contact Wagner Renewables who might, as part of a community project, contribute to funding and give advice on different payment schemes.
Mrs Hall suggested Selsey Works place articles in the Sidlesham Parishioner and Sidlesham Spread to advertise its services.  Mrs Osborne replied that the project will be marketed but not until it is up and running.
Mr Mellodey suggested the PC invite Mrs Osborne to the January 2018 PC Meeting, when the scheme is operational, to give an update and advise the PC on how it can help. This was agreed.
8.     Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
8.1   B2145/B2201 junction – possible roundabout.
The Clerk had circulated a proposal and sketch for a new roundabout by Mr Bedford.  Cllr Montyn had, at the PC’s September PC Meeting requested that the PC suggest a scheme which he could present to Highways.  Cllr Montyn was unable to attend the meeting; the Clerk was asked to forward the document to Cllr Montyn.
9.      Memorial Playing Field
9.1    Architectural assessment of new building.
Mr Mellodey, Mr Bedford and Mr N Robson met Mr J Brown, of John Brown Architecture Limited, at the Memorial Playing Field.  Mr Brown will provide an outline drawing of what he believes can be achieved with the current building foundations.  They also requested a rough cost of such a building.  This will be circulated to councillors before the next PC Meeting.
9.2    SCA Questionnaire.  Mr Mellodey had written to the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the SCA outlining the constraints on any future building on the Memorial Playing Field.  Those on the panel appointed to write the survey questions must be aware of these constraints.  The Clerk was asked to circulate Mr Mellodey’s letter.
9.3   Letter to residents of Shotford and May Close regarding parking on the Memorial Playing Field and pedestrian access to the field.
The Clerk had received 7 applications from properties adjoining the Memorial Playing Field for pedestrian access to the field.  These were agreed and the Clerk will inform applicants.
9.4   Mrs Ranjbar reminded the PC of the two builder’s bags of rubble still on the MPF.  Mrs Monnington said that a local man may be able to remove the bags; the Clerk will contact him and obtain a quotation.
9.5    Hedge planting between Woodlands, Keynor Lane and the Memorial Playing Field.  The owners of Woodlands will obtain a quotation for the purchase of the hedging plants and the Clerk will contact the Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group to arrange for the planting of the trees.
10.     Assets and Amenities Workgroup
10.1   New fencing for Playground.  An order has been placed for the replacement of two sides of the children’s playground fence with galvanised metal fencing.
10.2   Mound at top of tunnel slide.   The Clerk had received a quotation of £50 from Simon Heard to fill the hole at the top of the mound (between the mound and tunnel slide) with concrete, cover with soil and replace matting.  This was approved.  Mr Heard had pointed out that the grass on the top of the mound had worn away and suggested that it be replanted with a tougher strain of grass.  This too was agreed.
11.   Roadside Litter.
Mrs Hall now has 6 volunteers to help with litter picking.  The Clerk was asked to ensure that the PC’s insurance is adequate in the event of an accident to any volunteer litter picker.  The Clerk and Cllr Tull had received posters from CDC reminding people not to drop their litter and of the fines which could be imposed should they be seen to do so.  Mr Harland offered to laminate the posters and the Clerk will attach them to the bus shelters at the Anchor Bend and Lockgate Road.  The Clerk and Mr Mellodey will approach the Paddock Straight Petrol Station to ask if they would put up a sign.  The Clerk will enquire of CDC if they would increase the number of bins in the parish, particularly at the Anchor bend and Lockgate Road bus shelters.
12.   Neighbourhood/Village Plan
Mr Bedford informed councillors that before a Neighbourhood/Village Plan can make progress, it must recruit volunteers to join a Work Group.
13.   PC Update for village magazines
Mrs Ranjbar had circulated a draft article to be submitted to the Sidlesham Parishioner and Sidlesham Spread.  The article was approved by all and will be submitted.  It was suggested that the PC could expand on specific projects in future publications.
14.    Defibrillator for Sidlesham
The Clerk has looked into the possibility of applying to the Lottery Fund but has not had a reply to her emails.  The Clerk stated that the PC could apply to WSCC’s Community Initiative Fund. It must first, however, select a suitable defibrillator and obtain quotations.  Mr Harland raised the positioning of a defibrillator so that it cannot be stolen or damaged.  A parishioner stated that Chichester Yacht Club has a secure system and suggested that the Clerk contact the Secretary of the yacht club.
15.       Finance
15.1     Income
15.1.1    CDC (redirected NHB grant) £750
15.2    Payments
15.2.1    Sidlesham Primary School (Good citizens prize) £25.00
15.2.2    Archibald Shaw (survey of FC foundations) £900.00
15.2.3    The Sign Shop (sign to hang below barrier gate) £54.00
15.2.4    M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £125.14
15.2.5    T MacIntyre (September salary) £504.16
Mr Harland proposed that the PC approved items 15.1 to 15.2.5 en bloc.  Mrs Ranjbar seconded the proposal and all agreed.
15.3    Course on new Data Protection Regulation Compliance for Clerk (£48.00)
The Clerk informed the PC that it must appoint a Data Protection Officer.  She requested authority to book herself on a SSALC course in order to be better informed.  All agreed.
15.4    Contribution to Manhood Peninsula Partnership
The MPP had requested a donation of £324.  The PC has, for the last few years donated £100 per year.  It was decided unanimously that the PC increase its contribution to £200.
15.5    Increase in cost of website and email server.
The Clerk had emailed councillors explaining the necessity for the website to have an SSL Certificate.  This program gives added security for the website.  Without it, anyone trying to access the website through Google will receive warning notices and, within a few months, not be able to access the website at all.  This was considered a necessary expense of £150 per year, in addition to the existing annual hosting fee of £120.
The Clerk’s email server has, over the last few months, caused problems with her emails being taken into ‘junk boxes’ and consequently not seen by addressees.  The Clerk had been given advice to move the account to Scanstation who specialise in hosting email accounts.  This would cost £56 per year with a £100 set up fee.  This was approved by all.
16.     Reports.
17.     Correspondence.  None
18.     Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.  None
19.     Matters of Information.   None

Meeting closed at 9.30 pm
